chapter 1 || last year

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Jenny Cameron was a party girl, and I was her best friend. I didn't exactly love to party but I was always dragged into parties with Jenny. I didn't think much of it really, she was popular for her partying so that was what kept her doing it. Everyone thought she was fun, I was more like the little sister she never had. I kept her tamed, she once told me I was the only thing keeping her from going all Kurt Cobain on everyone's ass. I was one of the popular girls, but that wouldn't be if it wasn't for Jenny Cameron. I probably wouldn't be dating the quarterback of the football team if it wasn't for her honestly, or be co-head cheerleader. She lifted me up and I kept her to the ground, that was sorta like our deal. Anyways, I wasn't all that good I will say. Luke, my boyfriend, snuck in a lot and stayed over, which no one knew about other than Jenny. It was late one night, maybe 3 am, when Jenny snuck threw my window waking both Luke and I. " hey lovers, you know the drill. " she said shaking the both of us to get up for another party of Jenny's. We did as she said and got ready, you just don't say no to Jenny Cameron. Luke kept a thing of clothes at my place just in case something were to happen, like this situation. We snuck out the window and to Jenny's car. We drove to a party but I didn't really see where we were since I was still half asleep. Me and Jenny parted ways as usual and I woke myself up a little and danced with Luke. I was getting pretty bored honestly, I didn't really wanna drink as I looked over at Luke. " maybe we should go " I tried talking over the music. " come on baby " he smiled " am I that bad of a dancer? " he said laughing at himself. I giggled and nodded " yeah sorta ". We then moved away from the crowd and found a place to sit. " don't you get sick of this? " Luke said looking around " chasing her around " he said then looking back at me. " Jenny's my best friend, yes I hate partying but I'd do anything for her. She'd do the same, it's a sister thing. " I smiled towards him as he smiled back. " you're just so innocent, and this stuff is so not " he said gesturing to the crowd in front of us. I shrugged " I call it taking one for the team ". He nodded and laid his head on my shoulder. " ya know it's hard to believe some teddy bear like you could be the quarterback " I giggled. He laughed and tried keeping his eyes open, he was obviously tired as he fell asleep on me. I smiled looking at him and sat your a while. I then found a way to block out the sounds of the crowd and drift off. Luke and I were both asleep for a while. I don't know how long we were out for but the party was still going. I got up and decided to go find Jenny, she usually listened when I was ready to go. I looked around and there was no sign of her anywhere. I made my way back to Luke and shook him waking him up. " Luke! Luke! Jenny's missing I can't find her " I said panicking. He calmed me down " it's okay babe she's gotta be here somewhere I'll help you find her " he said standing up and we began looking for Jenny. We looked hours and nothing was found, most people had already left except the ones who were extremely drunk and didn't know where their car was. I decided to call 911 which Luke didn't exactly agree with. " hello I'm adilyn ross.. yes.. I'm at this party and my friend- she's missing.. I don't know where I am.. Luke where are we ?! " I handed him the phone and he directed them where we were as I tried breathing correctly. We soon heard a siren as everyone cleared out scared they were getting arrested, a group of people soon came in and looked around as they soon began looking outside and everywhere. I watched everyone as Luke tried comforting me, I'm sure everyone thought she just left with someone but Jenny never left without saying something to me, I then decided to call her, it took a second before the phone began to ring, I heard it from a distance as I looked around and someone looking seen and picked it up and then went down to the lake close by, they began to search down there, and I noticed their eyes widen as they grouped together, there lied the body of Jenny Cameron.

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