Chapter 1

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Hot, sweaty hands pulled at my wrists and arms. My body being tugged from one person to the next. Loud jeering filling my ears as I tried to back away. I gasped as I was forcefully pulled into the corner of the dirty room. His grip on my forearm tightened as I tried my best to escape but with no success. His free hand took hold of my hip and pressed me against him. I couldn’t stop myself as my hand lashed out across his face. I watched in fear as he slowly turned to face me again, his eyes full of anger. I squeezed mine shut, waiting for the inevitable blow as he raised his hand, but it never happened.

I opened my eyes. The room was silent, everyone’s faces drawn in our direction. It was only then I noticed the large hand that had caught my tormentors before he had a chance to strike me. I was swiftly pulled back into someone’s chest. My back pressed against their front.  My wrist was once again trapped in a person’s hold. Muffled whispering could be heard as I was lead out of the room and into the cold night air.

I looked up, the moon was full and the stars were bright. My captor forcefully tugged me across the car park to a large black Range Rover. I waited as he opened the door and nodded his head, signaling me to get in. I did as I was told and watched as he jogged round the front of the car to the driver’s seat. Before he got in I checked my car door, I wasn’t surprised to find it was locked. The light above us illuminated the front seats allowing me to have a better look at the guy. Some of his blonde hair fell over his forehead, making him appear younger than his age. I watched as he gripped the steering wheel, his jacket sleeves pushed up showing off his strong forearms. He turned his head towards me, blue eyes staring into my hazel ones.

“Seatbelt.” He told me in a husky voice.

I quickly buckled myself in, leaning away from him and into the window.  It was about 15 minutes in on our silent journey to a mystery location when the first rain drops began to fall. My body pressed against the seat belt as we abruptly stopped. My head instantly turned to see the guy slam his hand down on the steering wheel. An annoyed expression spread across his beautiful face. Blue eyes stared at me for a few seconds before he placed a hand on the back of my headrest. He mumbled to himself quietly with his brow furrowed, shifting in his seat so he could look behind us and reverse. He quickly turned the steering wheel, reversing round the last corner we took. His hand went to the gear stick, forcefully putting it in drive and accelerating in a completely new direction. I didn’t dare vocally question what had just happened, I was left to worry about it on my own mind. Soon after that I jumped back into my seat upon hearing thunder rumble in the sky. The car slowed as he leaned out of the window to type in a code on an electric gate. My eyes were instantly drawn to the shiny weapon in a compartment over on his side of the car. My breathing picked up a little as I realized the situation I was in.

The gravel underneath the car crunched as we drove up towards a massive house. Even in the dark I could tell it was expensive. We came to a halt; he jumped down and slammed his door shut. My head snapped round just in time to see the huge metal gates closing. I quickly unbuckled and leant across the car to the gun. My fingers wrapped round the weapon just as I was lifted down. I pointed my protection towards the guy who didn’t seem as worried as I thought he would be. He caught hold of my wrist and banged it against the metal of the vehicle, the gun falling from my grip to the gravel. I had wasted my chance at escape. He bent down and picked it up, lifting up the back of his jacket and placing it down the back of his jeans, all the while he kept eye contact with me. He was clearly angry at what I had attempted his hand tightened on my shoulder forcing me back against his car. I winced a little at the contact which didn’t faze him.

“Don’t try anything else.” He threatened.

He was so close I felt his warm breath on my face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2013 ⏰

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