Chapter 3

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Third person's p.o.v.

There were so many things about today that confused Luke. And all of it started with the hunt.

He had already started the day feeling a little funny. He continuously felt a little nauseous, but it wasn't that bad. It only really bothered him once they went to hunt.

Sure, he was happy once they closed in on their prey, but he kept the weird feeling. And it got even worse when he found the girl, Valeria. He had panicked for a moment, but Ashton's calm voice made him feel better. For a moment it was as if everything was okay again, but the nauseous feeling soon returned. However, Luke kept acting as if nothing was wrong and only after he was done eating and had sat down in the guest room, he felt better.

It was weird that that exact moment was when he started feeling better, but he didn't question it. He was just glad that the horrible feeling was gone.

What was also weird, was the feeling he had had towards the guest room. Or the girl, rather. He felt this... well, he called it 'attraction', but not the kind where you like someone and feel attracted to them. It was a different kind and it was something he had never felt before. It was as if something was pulling him to her.

After the girl had woken up, he had questioned her, like Ashton had told him to. She in turn got to ask some questions as well, it only seeming fair. And once she asked to stay, Luke saw his chance to speak to Ashton.

He had left the guest room, finding Ashton quite quick. The curly haired lad was sitting in the living room, watching TV and occasionally talking with his girlfriend.

"Ash?" Luke had carefully asked, trying to tell him he had to talk about something important non-verbally. Ashton had immediately noticed and looked up, locking eyes with the blonde. "Do you want to talk outside?"

Luke had nodded, which had caused Ashton to get up and motion for the blonde to follow him. They had went back outside and Ashton turned to Luke, watching him with curious eyes.

The taller of the two had swallowed, before telling Ashton all he had found out, as well as telling that the girl had asked to stay. Ashton reluctantly agreed, but he had made sure that Luke knew he had the responsibility and if something where to go wrong because of her, it was on him.

Luke hadn't hesitated to agree.

It surprised Ashton a little, since Luke normally had a more cocky attitude about a lot of things and he had expected the same with this. But Luke seemed different about this.

"Are you okay, Luke?" Ashton had asked, making the blonde a little nervous, but nod. "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine."

"You can talk to me if needed, yeah?" Ashton had reminded him, before the both of them walked back inside, Luke leaving for the guest room again. Pretty excited to tell Valeria she was allowed to stay.

Only after having told her and having left the room again, did he frown. Why had he been excited to tell the girl she was allowed to stay? Adding that with the strange attraction...

Luke tried to shake it off, running his hands through his hair as he walked through the living room slowly. He didn't notice Bryana still sitting on the couch, making him jump once she spoke. "You okay there?"

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