Chapter 1

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The date was March 27, 2015 in St. Louis Missouri where WWE was have a house show. It was 2:00 p.m and that's about the time the superstars started arriving. Everything was going nice and smooth everyone was heading to their locker rooms. In the back parking lot Dean and other superstars were just hanging out before the show started. They where having good laughs.

"Hey Dean I heard you choked on the last promo" Seth said laughing as Dean punched him playfully in the abs

Moments later Dean heard what seemed to be arguing. Dean been snoppy he went to check it out. He walked to the side and saw a girl that has Brown straight hair with bright green eyes and looks to be 17 and to her side was a guy.

"You need to stay away from me. Do not get near me!" She said warning him

"Come on you don't mean that. It was one time and honestly you deserved it" he said with a smirk and went over and grabbed her arm roughly

"Ouch Tev stop you're hurting me" she said with a tear rolling down her cheek. Watching this was too much for Dean he had to do something.

"Let her go" dean said walking over to them and the guy let her go "Are you okay sweetheart" he said as she was rubbing her arm where the guy was grabbing her.

"Man don't trip about her she good she was just acting up we won't bother you again babe let's g-" before he could finished she stepped behind dean. Dean looked and her.

"SECURITY TAKE THIS GUY AS FAR AWAY FROM THE AREANA AS POSSIBLE" dean yelled as the security handed him to the police and took him away.

Dean turned around and saw the girl was still with her head down. He lifted her head and was surprised on what he saw.

"My god did he do this" he said looking at the big purple bruise on her cheek and jaw. She nodded yes. "Come with me" he said and she followed him

They walked together into the arena and they went into the catering room. "Sit here" Dean said pulling out a chair for her "I'll be right back"

She sat there and she felt someone sitting next to her she turned around and saw a guy with long hair.

"I haven't seen you around I'm Neville" he said with his British accent extending his hand and smiling

"Hi I'm Diana but people call me DJ" she said shaking his hand

"Nice to meet you, so did you just get sign to NXT or the main roster?"

"Um well I don't work here, but a guy don't know his name but he had messy hair and beady eyes told me to wait here"

"Ah you're talking about Ambrose haha" he laughed causing me to laugh "I hope you don't mind me asking what happened to your cheek it's all bruise" he said as she quickly covered it

"Ex Boyfriend" she said. Neville was in shock

"Your boy--"

"Hey come with me" Dean said interrupting Neville. She got up and followed him into a room where she saw a woman s ok trying on the couch wearing a short black dress and with short blonde hair.

"Hi I'm Renee" she said standing up

"Hi I'm Diana but people call me Dj" she said. Dean then walked up to both of them

"DJ why don't you sit here while I talk to Renee" Dean said while she sat down. Dean and Renee walked out and began to talk

"Who is she dean"

"She's a girl I found in the back parking lot" he said realizing how crazy that sounded

"Dean you can't just bring a random people to work you know how they feel about that" she said

"But what was I gonna do let her abusive boyfriend take and and god forbid kill her" he said with such anger in his eyes

Meanwhile DJ was getting bored and wanted to sneak out
"I'm so bored I wanna take a walk but I can't with theses bruises on my face" she thought. But then she saw Renee's make up so she got some foundation and she was happy because you could barley see them

She opened the door to make sure Dean and Renee weren't there. The coast was clear so she began to walk down the hallways she turned to a hallway that was very crowded and people rushing everywhere so fast that someone pushed her and she hit her head on the wall.

She became unconscious for a while. When DJ regain consciousness she opened her eyes a little bit and saw a shirtless man with long black hair and she noticed he had a tattoo she couldn't read what it said because it was in another language. She began to get up.

"I wouldn't get up so fast after that head injury" he said with a small smile on his face

"Where am I" rubbing her head

"Relax you're in my locker room I walked by and saw you knocked out. I didn't know if you were buzzed from drinking too much but then I realized this girl might actually be hurt hah" he laughed and she laughed as well

"Thanks, I you don't mind me asking what's your name?" She asked

"My fans call me Seth but my friends call me Colby so you can call me Seth" he said with a smile

"What makes you think I'm a fan" she raised an eyebrow

"Well considering you fainted when you saw me" he laughed looking at her with those bright Brown eyes

"Yea that's pretty much the reason why I passed out" she couldn't help but smirk

"So what's your name fan" she said sitting next to her

"1 I'm not a fan and 2 my name is Diana but people call me DJ"

"Well it's nice to meet you" he said shaking her hand while smiling

"Same here Colby" she smiled it was an awkward smile after that Seth just glanced once in a while at her

"You need some eye drops Mr.Seth" she laughed

"Nah I just like the view" he smirked as she playfully smacked him and he fell on the floor

"Ouch I'm hit" he said as she laugh and knelted down helping him laughing so much she got closer and next thing she knew Seth grabbed her arm and now she was on the floor as well. They laid there staring at the ceiling

"You what would be a good idea" Diana said

"What can be better than this" he laughed

"If you put on a shirt"

"Why is it to much man for you"

"Ha please I see more men in my dreams"she continued to laughed

They laid there and then they heard the door open

"What's this" the person said

"Aye look it's not what it looks like" Seth said

"Who is she?" Diana said

"Diana this is GIRLFRIEND" Seth said

"Oh well I know when I'm not wanted I'll just go excuse me" Diana said

"DJ" Seth screamed but by that time she was gone

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2016 ⏰

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