Red Eyes- Book 1

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    On December and second week of school, I was walking down the hall of my first start of senior high school and everybody stop what they doing and start looking at me like I retarded or something. When I reach the girl's bathroom, I saw three teenage girl doing there makeup and their hair like they were popular, but they are popular in my school. It's even worse when the oldest of girl name Debby stole my boyfriend last year. He is handsome, have beautiful eyes and he play football and even his dad is a football coach at this school.

        I almost forgot that I need to go to bathroom, but the first bell already rang in few seconds ago so, I hurry to my Molecular science that I'm not good at memorize the system inside the body.  Even worse than memorize the system inside the body is that the science's teacher fall in love with me that I don't like about it.  When I get to my science class, there were new student and when he turn to me, his eyes were same color as me so that why anyone in the class was whispering about it. It's weird when I hear his name Vincent Chow, that was my big brother name and I can't believe that my big brother is standing in front of me, but he left with a monk guy when he was eight year old. I didn't go with the monk guy and my brother because I was still young to go.

                                                            16th century ago

  My mother was pregnant with my little sister and my dad  never came back after he left for his job at Los Angles so I have to stay at home and take care mother. I didn't tell mother that dad died from car accident because she might do something bad like killing herself along with my little sister that she already did when her brother got kill at the bank. That when she with her brother and she saw it. Now, two guys died in a accident and I'm only guy in the family.

                                          Before Jordan's father had the accident

 My father and I went for a long walk to chat before he leave for long time that I don't like about it because I don't know anything about woman with pregnant.

" How I'm going to take care of mother if I don't know about pregnancy?" Jordan ask his father.

"You will fine after I leave and you are in charge the family, do you know that?" father say clamly and warm vorice that make me feel better for tomorow.

" I do, but if I have to leave for education, then what?" I asked

" I don't know about that, but your mother is a strong woman in the family and your mother might could take care ofyour little unborn sister if she behave well listen after you leave the family. I know it would be hard for you to take care, protect and find food for your mother."  Father sigh after he finish saying.

 "Why you have to leave for long time?" Jordan ask.

" I don't how long the work would take unless I finish them correctly and right on time."  Jorden's father smile after he finish saying.

                                         On the day Jorden's father left for work

  When father left the the house for work, I look at mother who had worrying and sad face that she doesn't want father to leave the family at all.

  Friday of November the 2nd, my baby sister Milisa just born right on the winter time that mother doesn't like because it's cold and Milisa might get cold after she born. At least, she born on November than December and we might out of food before the New Year Eve and Christmas, but there is more food at the attic.

                                                      TO BE CONTINUE...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2011 ⏰

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