New house or should I say Mansion

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Today is the day that my parents decided to move . The place we were moving to was California ,I had to get ready for the plane ride to California so ttyl . Omg how rude of me I'm Nicole Stone
Skip plane ride
Once I got off the plane I kissed the ground " I promise to never leave you again unless the airplane has Nutella then see ya sucker " if you haven't noticed I'm in love with Nutella so after everyone staring and me telling them to go back to there own lives I got my bags if you haven't noticed my parents aren't with me they are always away on trips for there work your probably like what the hell how are you going to get home well my Lamborghini is here and it has a GPS my parents had put the address in already so all I had to do was follow the directions once I got there my mouth was wide open 😱 " wow " I said to my self . There were 3 floors first floor had the kitchen and the living room which was all furnished second floor had bedrooms I chose the biggest room it's not like my parents are going to live here they have their own house here in this area so anyways third floor was the game room and theater it had all my favorite movies and video games it also had a snack bar how cool wow my parents thought of everything 😀 . I'm kinda surprised they actually know what I like hmmmmmmmm I must find a gym
Skip ride to gym
I found a gym Bolds Gym I entered and all the guys snapped their attention to me it's like they have never seen a girl here before some blonde guy walked up to me and said " you lost girly the malls on the other side of the road " ( no offense to any blondes ) " No I'm not lost " I'm pretty sure my face is red with anger 😡 I said to him I went up to the front desk and singed up for a membership then I left to Walmart to bye me some groceries
At Walmart
Once I got to Walmart I went to the candy section then the juice after I got a bunch of food I went to the cashier she was a girl with a really short skirt " slut " she whispered under her breath " excuse me what was that " " oh nothing " exactly wow people now a days so rude so after paying for everything I went to my Lamborghini put all the groceries inside after that I went home took a shower and went to sleep I did have school tomorrow

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