"Why is this rug here?"
"Pastor came."
"You should have just cleaned it."
"Yeah, and Dad should have waited until he was off the porch to bleed everywhere! You weren't here, so don't lecture me!"
"Okay, okay. What set Mom off?"
"He yelled at her about texting someone and went on about how she was making a deal with the devil to leave him and that she needed to be cleansed of sin."
"Oh please."
"She just snapped and called him out for cheating on her."
"She did? Really?"
"She called him a worthless piece of s-h-i-t and punched him in the nose! He screamed and ran but tripped going out the front door."
"How did he hurt his groin?"
"She hit him with a golf club and said it was the first time it had been used."
"He plays all the time."
"Apparently not."