Noot? Pingu nooted.
Noot! Noot nooted back.
... Noot?;-; I crei
Noot XD Pingu lol'd
I run away.Noot nooted, noot????;)
Pingu thought.Silence...
NOOT MY NOOT. Noot nooted.
o. Pingu gasp.
NOOT NOW. Noot yell/nooted.
;-; Pingu creiPingu sit down and started nooting Noot's noot.
Noot like unf.I run bak 2 them.
Was gonna 5giv Pingu.
I luv him.But
He was nooting Noot's noot...
;-;Dey both see me
And lolI run home and crei while they Noot 6ever.