An Angel's Smile

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Hey people. I want to share with you a poem that was written by my grandmother many years ago and it's about my invalid aunt. My aunt, Carol never walked or talked a day in her life and was only suppose to live to the age of 8. She passed 2 and 1/2 years ago at the ago of 62. She was our families angel and we miss her so very much. R.I.P Carol Jean 3/13/2009


I had to add the video TEMPORARY HOME by Carrie Underwood. Because rather you believe it or not, we are not promised tomorrow. I know where I want to be when that time comes and this song fits with this poem.

This was afterall... Carol's and my grandma's temporary home.

*** THIS POEM BELONGS TO THELMA D. COLE***  R.I.P Grandma 7/31/2001





An Angel’s Smile

I have an angel in my home

She’s all the world to me

The sweetness of her lovely smile

Is beauty you seldom see

She cannot walk or run and play

Or even speak my name

But the love I have in my heart for her

No words can ever explain

I stand beside my angel’s bed

And wonder why this test

Then her lovely smile just seems to say

Be patient: God knows best

When burdens are so heavy

And all of life seems wrong

The sweetness of her lovely smile

Gives me courage to go on

Sometimes when pain and anguish

Wrecks her little frame

Her lovely smile will fade away

But soon returns again

Soon I know God will call her

To a better home

Where no pain can ever hurt her

There she’ll smile for God alone

I know I’ll miss my angel

When her face no more I can see

But the sweetness of her lovely smile

Will be locked within my memory

An Angel's SmileWhere stories live. Discover now