Part 1

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Hey! I'm Celosia, the younger of the two sisters. This is my first story here in wattpad, so critiques are appreciated. I guess the summary explains the gist of the plot, hopefully. I hope you enjoy the first chapter. >.>

The pic above is the Antonio Lovero XD


The day was bright, and could be described as lively. The clear blue skies with the distinct lack of rain clouds looked promising for all the kids. Everywhere around him, kids were playing, laughing and chattering obnoxiously, as if nothing was wrong.

He scoffed at the thought. They were in a freaking ORPHANAGE for frick's sake. There was obviously something wrong if they could play around without a care in the world after being through the loss. Scowling one last time at the general direction of the playing kids, he looked back down to the book on his lap, trying to focus on the words of the page.

He hated it here, or any of the other orphanages and foster homes the social workers put him in. He had been thrown from one orphanage to another like a rag doll, and ended up here. He doesn't even know where he is, except that it is far away from home.

"H-hey, Antonio," A voice disturbed him from his thoughts. His head snapped up immediately to the person in front of him, a girl probably the same age as him. He glared impatiently when the girl showed no signs of continuing. "What'd ya want?" He snapped.

She flinched at the harsh tone, backing away a little before continuing, "I-I was- No, I m-mean, w-we were w-wondering if y-y-you would like to j-join u-u-us in a g-game of tag." She stuttered, her voice fading out at the very end.

He stared blankly at her, annoyance growing in the pit of his stomach. "No." He refused curtly, before deciding to ignore her. He waited for a while before he heard shuffling of footsteps and let out a sigh; the girl finally left him alone.  Yes, he definitely hated it here.

Antonio sighed and closed his eyes, bringing his knees closer to his chest and curling up under the shade of the tree. His book lay discarded beside him. There was that annoying feeling growing again, in his chest, one that kept on coming every time ever since his ma and pa's death.

They said his parents were taken back by god, for some reason leaving him alone. His chest squeezed painfully at the thought, and he cursed himself for being weak. It had already been two years, and he thought he should've gotten over it a long time ago.

"Kids! Its lunch time! Come back inside!" One of the few assistants of the orphanage called out. Some of the others were running all over, ushering them inside. Antonio sighed, keeping his eyes closed and willing himself to be stronger. He then grabbed the book from the ground and walked back inside.

He felt someone ruffle his pitch black hair, and growled as he jumped back from the intruder. "Easy there, tiger." One of the assistants, the male brunette, chuckled as he raised his hands in surrender.

The man smiled warmly, his blue eyes sparkling with youth despite being an adult. "So, how's it going around here squirt? You've been here for a whole month already! We should throw a party." He blabbered on.

Antonio clenched his hands, took deep breaths and walked forward, ignoring the supervisor's attempts to make him feel more comfortable. What's there to be happy about staying for one month? He fumed inwardly. That just means you have been living another month without your family. Most orphanages thought it was best to distract them kids, while deeming them very fragile. Foster families and couples that adopted were worse though, in his opinion, since they tried to replace your family with kind words and lots of 'siblings' similar to yourself.

"Man, you sure are a skinny squirt. Pick up the pace and get some proper food in that stomach." Antonio nodded and quickly walked away; glad to be rid of the overly nice man. The man, for whatever reason, had decided to stick to him ever since he arrived to this orphanage.

"Tony!" The man called out. Antonio groaned, turning around and glaring harshly at the brunette. The man didn't falter as he offered his assistance. "If you ever need anything, I'm here, 'kay? Just call me or ask around for me, you know my name right? "

Antonio was going to tell him to leave him alone in particularly colourful language, the perfect retort just on the tip of his tongue, when he paused. He reminded himself that he does not need to reply; the ignoring was working perfectly in his favour. It was just another hoax to get him to be comfortable-to 'forget' his loss. He turned back to enter the kitchen room and get his lunch.

He heard the man chuckle sadly behind him. "My name is John. Jonathan Black." He head the man- John- tell him just as he closed the door.

He gazed coldly around him, shrugging as he grabbed a plate of today's lunch.



Antonio sighed quietly as he shut the door behind him, finally in the peace of his room. His roommate won't come back till late at night; Antonio made sure of that when he had a private 'chat' with him. He shuffled towards his bed, pausing midway to turn towards the mirror against the closet wall.

His reflection stared back at him; cool grey eyes met each other. His black hair curled and fluffed up naturally, straight and thick, and his skin was pale. His bony and frail stature was a nice way to fool others of his strength.  It wasn't what he was focusing on though.

His curled black hair and natural lean body both reminded him of his mother. He had only been eight and his memories were slightly hazy, but he was determined not to forget about the kind and beautiful woman his ma was. His eyes, on the other hand, came from his father. His pa was, as much as he could remember, straight forward and polite and never failed to express his love for his only son.

He closed his eyes, ensnared in the grasps of his memories.

Soft, hesitant knocking interrupted his thoughts. He growled in annoyance, a deep frown etched on his face as he marched up and harshly tugged the door open.

"What?" He demanded sharply. His roommate bit his lower lip in hesitance.

"W-well, Antonio, I have to grab some stuff f-from the room." The younger boy spoke anxiously as he tried to slip past Antonio and into the room.

Antonio reacted quickly, grabbing the collar of the boy's shirt and tugging him back. His grey eyes regarded the boy coolly as he spoke in a threatening whisper. "I told ya to not enter my room when I'm inside, unless you 'ave to sleep. It ain't night yet, so GET THE HECK OUT!" He yelled the last part, shoving the boy harshly outside.

He heard the thud of the boy's back hitting the wall of the thin corridor. Shrugging, he slammed the door behind him and plopped himself onto his own bed. He could still hear the loud and obnoxious voices of the other kids enjoying themselves.

Ugh, everyone here is annoying. Antonio sighed and grabbed his book from the bedside table, focusing his attention on it. He did his best to forget about the gnawing feeling in his chest, the laughing and squealing voices of the others. He didn't need any friends, and he knows he can survive without. He huffed out a sigh, reading intently, and soon enough he had lost himself to the world of words.

He doesn't know how long he had been staring at the book until his eyes started drooping. He shoved the book away, noting the page and that the book was almost complete. With a blurry vision, he snuggled back to the pillow, letting sleep overtake him.


Short, I know... But I hope it piques your interest. The whole story is gonna be in Antonio's point of view. This is just the introduction of his character.

Soo... Comments? Constructive criticism on the writing style?

-Celosia <3 <3
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