The World Of Hate

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*Emi's POV* 

"Hey Kai! You cant catch me!" I shout as he struggles to climb up the tree behind me.

"Ahhh" he screams as he slips and lands on his ankle. 

"Are you okay?!" I Call down to him as I carefully climb down the tree. I hope its not broken. As I get to the bottom of the tree Kai is beginning to tear up. Its all my fault! I shouldn't have encouraged him to climb up the tree after me! I'm the WORST friend ever! 

"Here Kai" I hold out my hand to help him up. His cold hand grabs onto my warm hand and I pull him up. I wrap his arm around my neck to help him walk but you can still see that he is limping. We don't say anything the whole walk to the clinic. 

"Ugh. Kids, Cmon hurry up I dont have time to deal with any fooling around" The doctor states and speeds down the hall.

"Please slow down" I call out to him as he begins to put a distance between us.

"Hurry up" He yells at us like he doesn't notice that Kai's limping. Lately people have be getting more and more rude, I wonder why... We finally got into the room and Kai got his xray and of course its broken. The rude doctor from before comes in.

"Here's you cast. Now get lost!" He  yells at us. I help Kai put on his cast. And we leave he walks me home then he goes home.

  *Kai's POV*   

I get home after I drop off Emi. God I love her I felt so weak crying in front of her. As I cross the street at the intersection of Thaler Rd And Chanler Rd some car honks its horn at me. Give me a minute I have a cast! Its not my fault I walk slowly. I finally get home, Its really quiet...

"MOM? DAD? ARE YOU HOME?" I call out as loudly as I can. They must be sleeping... I guess Ill just watch a show or something until dinner time...

Then the power goes out and the ground starts to shake. I scream as a tree topples over and breaks through the wall of the house narrowly missing me.

"Mom, Dad! Whats Happening?" I yell over the sound of a loud buzzing outside. I glance to my left out the tinted window and a huge swarm of wasps are heading this way. I don't think this is right! I should find mom and dad... "Guys where are you?" I rush up the creaky oak stairs skipping steps, my cast banging loudly on the wood. It seems as though the world is spinning around me and my breaths become quick and sharp, the vision in left eye goes blurry and I cant see anything out of my right eye. I stop for a minute on the last step I gasp as I finally find my mom and dad, their in the upstairs hallway. I begin crying as a tear dribbles down my pale cheeks. Mom and dad are dead. Their blood in a pool around their lifeless bodies. I reach up to my face and cover my mouth. I don't know what to do, I have no other family nobody likes me. What did I do to deserve this. I run to my room, my feet slapping on the hardwood flooring of  the hall. I flop onto my bed and sit there thinking about what I just witnessed. I cry myself to sleep.

~~~3 Am~~~

I awaken to a loud bang. Oh no, someones in here, there's nobody to protect me. I tug the blankets over my face and hold my breath as I try to hold the blanket as still as I can. Then it happens. A sharp stabbing pain in my stomach. I get queasy and light headed my eyes get heavy. The pain overwhelms me. I love Emi, I hope she will be okay This is it. Its the end. My... Life... Is... Over... 

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