At the Transport Ship (1)

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    The ride in the transport ship is a little rough, sending spurs to my insides. Already the drug is affecting my body, and even the slight vibrations from the motors are heating me up. Though, I cannot feel any pleasure from this. Even if my body is reacting, to think I would be made into a toy and taken away of my freedom(like I had any for the last year) makes my tears fall off as if my tear bags has ripped.
I've heard stories; from the other girls, of the disgusting customers. Normally, if regular sex was what they wanted, they could have gone to a sex city to pick up some girls there. But that's not exactly what they want. What they want is unbelievable ways of satisfaction that no hooker would say yes to. The varieties goes on, mostly of emotional or physical pain (or both) such as humiliation, starvation, or manipulation.
Basically, the customers are psychopaths.

I'll die soon.
The thought emerges again. The deepening and steamy breaths, the occasional twitches that travel my body, and the eagerness in my lower body make me feel like I'm falling into a deep pit; acknowledging the fact that I will die and that nothing could change that fact as I am plummeting the road to the end.

I'm going to-

"Hi...You okay?"
My thought is abruptly cut off by a soft voice. I look to my left to see another girl that I've never seen at the galleries before.

" the drug working on you?"
She asks nervously. I raise an eyebrow. She's asking if I'm wet?

"I...I guess?"
I answer. She looks a little disappointed at the answer.

"Oh...well you know what they say. Threesomes are a little difficult to answer."
She surprises me with her anticipation. How is she feeling wanting at this moment?

She asks me if I've seen the buyer, and I answer a no.

"Oh really? Well he looked quite attractive to me! Very tall and muscular, I was quite thrilled when he bought me!"

You mean us.

"Now promise you won't be selfish! Leave some for me too!"

My eyes widen and I nod awkwardly. I avoid eye contact with her from then on for the rest of the ride. I would be very very very grateful if our buyer would only fuck her, and I'm sure. She's beautiful!
Her beautiful strait hair seems very soft, and it shines elegantly from the ship's light. While I have a shaggy undercut(washing it is fast).
The fingers she lays on her long thighs are slender and well manicured, while I have a little bit more of healthy flesh on me(hibernation supplies) and have battered fingers(from running away from the slave hunters).
And she has a skin that doesn't have any wounds on it while I have bruises here and there and scars(again, from the slave hunters).

But at least I have a better personality.

I think.....

Maybe I'm worse by thinking this.



Impaired Love( STID Khan fanfiction, SmUT BitcHes:0)Where stories live. Discover now