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Chapter One 

She didn't know when she had come to fall in love with him but knew for sure she was madly in love with him, her best friend since she was like two. There was no way she could tell him how she felt for him because that would just ruin their friendship. To tell him would mean she would lose him, which would hurt far more than not telling him and remaining friends.  

"Sy-Sy what are you drawing now?" Lauren Flixer asked, the two faced bitch of the school. Lauren would gladly spread any rumor whether true or not. 

Sy-Sy quickly looked down to see she had drawn a doodle of Jaxon kissing her. Damn, she really was madly in love with him. "It's nothing Lauren, nothing at all just some stupid doodle." 

Lauren looked at Sy-Sy doubtingly but before she could say anything Mrs. Livingston called the class to order, forcing Lauren to head back to her seat. But it didn't save her from Jaxon casting a 'what the hell look' her way. 


The bell finally rang for Mrs. Livingston's history class to be over. Sy-Sy grabbed her bags and hurried out of the class as fast as she could. There just wasn't any way she could talk to him right then. Her head was swimming with just way too much. 

"Symanthia wait up!" Jaxon called after her. She acted like she couldn't hear him even though he was screaming her name at nearly the top of his lungs. 

Finally, twenty seconds later she gave up on getting away and headed to her locker, of course he was waiting on her. "Symanthia, why'd you run away from me? That wasn't cool you, made me look like a fool." Sy-Sy barely registered what he had said; she had been too focused on his eyes. His eyes were a bight, sexy baby blue. "Symanthia did you even hear what I just said?"  

"Oh sorry Jaxon, I was just lost in thought. And I wasn't running from you I just had to get away from Lauren. She was bugging me about my stupid doodles again." 

"Symanthia, I'm so sorry. Just let me know when and I will kill her for you. She really is a two faced bitch. And what did you doodle this time? Remember all your drawings are more than doodles, they are works of art." Jaxon hated to see Symanthia upset. She meant a lot to him. 

"It was nothing and thanks but my pictures really are doodles they mean nothing at all. I can't really draw. It all looks like a bunch of scribble, anyway." She knew she was lying but she had to find away to distract him. 

"Symanthia Klare Dixon there is no way in hell your art is scribble. You always get complements on it. And your wonderfully drawn art does have meaning; it defies you even if you can't see it. Now stop trying to distract me and show me this picture that Lauren was teasing you about." Jaxon looked really upset and that cause the scar across his forehead to shine forward even more than normal. 

"Jaxon I'm embarrassed to show you it because it really is pretty stupid. I didn't even realize I had drawn it until she said something to me," she new she had better watch what she said now, " I was lost in thought about what colors to redo my bedroom and my small den in." 

"I know that you are only lying about what you were thinking about. I won't press you for the info because I know you will eventually show me the picture, and tell me what you were thinking about. So anyway on a happier note what are you doing this weekend? Mom wanted me to invite you and your family over for dinner Saturday." Jaxon had a very almost not noticeable hint of blush to his cheeks. He didn't notice it but Sy-Sy who was still staring at him did. "Jaxon is that blush I see a raising upon your cheeks? Are you getting shy around me now?" She knew it was wrong to tease him but it felt sort of good to her. 

"No," he said a little too quickly, but he couldn't help grinning because she had caught his shy side like she always did. 

"Aw come on Jaxon I know you where blushing. It's sort of cute that you still blush when you ask me over to your house after all these years." Sy-Sy had a twinkle in her eyes when she spoke. 

"Yeah, I can't believe I still do that. LOL!" Jaxon was grinning as he started to open his locker. Weird enough every year since freshman year they had had side-by-side lockers. They had just found it to be a weird coincident.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2014 ⏰

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