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"A few drinks and lemon wedges later I heard the door to the bar ding as I turned to see that same goofy boy proving me wrong."

-December 31st 2015-

I doubted whether it was him or not for a moment. He looked completely different. He was like a werewolf, utterly transformed under the full moon. My eyes trailed after his every move. The goofy boy that grinned widely and stumbled over himself earlier this morning was now dark and seductive.

He was dressed in a black buttoned up shirt, black jeans and as my eyes traced up to his face I could see his jaw was clenched, grin disappeared and his eyes that were the color of leaves and forests in the streets were now matching his dark attire. My eyes caught sight of his hair which was now exposed as I could see his rich brown locks free and swept back.
I couldn't look away.

He moved through the wave of people as he made his way to the bar, sitting a few spinning bar stools away from me. I could feel my face go as red as my drink as I spun around to the other side of the chair and opened my notebook. I looked at the words but didn't read them, I looked at the word that Harry had scribbled and traced my fingers over his messy handwriting. Love?

I slowly turned around and glanced at him. He had a bowl of nuts placed in front of him and a special glow in his eyes which were focused on the rugby game on the small tv above the liquor bar. I must have been staring for too long because he turned my way and soon enough my startled hazel eyes were locked with his emerald ones that were filled with that familiar humorous glint I once saw in the crowded streets. I instantly looked away. I felt my whole body heat up and my stomach churn and turn. A few moments later of me loathing in my embarrassment a napkin was placed next to me. I looked up and caught his eyes once more as they looked from me to the napkin. I reached for it and opened it.
I'm sorry about stumbling over you today
I smiled for a moment before I scribbled down an"it's okay" with my pen and returning it.

A few seconds later a new napkin was placed by me. I opened this one to read

  "did you consider love"

I felt my chest go heavy as I thought of an answer. Should I say no? Yes? Should I write a little joke maybe? I didn't want to repeat the same mistake as I did before so a few hesitant  moments later I found myself slipping my black notebook next to his bowl of nuts.

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