Chapter 1

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HARRY'S POV:                                DM: People included: Harry Potter (@myparentsaredeleted), Vernon Dursley (@iamnormal), Petunia Dursley (@marriedtoiamnormal), and Dudley Dursley (@iliketowatchtv).
Harry: You guys are SO inactive! Like my recents and  comment! You 3 are my only followers!
Vernon: You should be grateful that we even follow you boy! I will not be liking or commenting on any of your stupid pics!
Petunia: Nether will I, Diddikums, you don't ether.
Dudley: Shut up you lot! I'm trying to watch TV!
Message request from:Rubeus Hagrid         (@keeperofkeysandgroundsathogwarts).
Hagrid: Harry you have been accepted into the "Hogwarts Squad". Put it into your bio immediately.
Harry: what's the "Hogwarts Squad"? What do you do? Who put me in?
Hagrid: Before your parents where blocked by Lord Voldemort (@iamlordvoldemort), they put you in the squad. Lord Voldemort deleted both their accounts, and tried to delete yours. But he couldn't. Your acc inn survived. So Lord Voldemort will try to delete it.
Harry: I'll join the Hogwarts Squad. ___________________________
3RD PERSON POV:Harry Potter (@myparentsaredeleted), changed his user to: (@theboywholived). Harry Potter changed his bio to: I am part of the "Hogwarts Squad" #HOGWARTSFOREVER
Message Request from Minerva McGonagall (@m.mcgonagall),
McGonagall: Harry, click the link:, and do the sorting ceremony. The "Hogwarts Squad" is divided into four littler squads that are still all a part of the "Hogwarts Squad" The Gryffindor Squad (squad acc: @gryffindorsquad), The Hufflepuff Squad (squad acc: @hufflepuffsquad) The Ravenclaw Squad (squad acc: @ravenclawsquad), and the Slytherin Squad ( squad acc: @slytherinsquad).
Harry: I got sorted into the Gryffindor Squad.
McGonagall: Go follow them, and I will put you in a DM with them
Harry: Tysm
Harry Potter: (@theboywholived), changed his bio:
I am part of the Hogwarts Squad #HOGWARTSFOREVER, and the Gryffindor Squad #GRYFFINDORFOREVER
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