It Should Have Been Us

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Hermione slipped out of bed quietly, carefully avoiding Ron's sprawled limbs. Stepping quietly, she descended down the stairs of their two story home in London, England.

On the way, she paused in the doorway of Rose's bedroom, which was open. Rose lay peacefully under her quilted covers, her reddish brown hair spread in a halo. She had a small spread of freckles across her nose and Hermione remembered the first time she had seen that sweet angelic face. She closed the door quietly and moved across the hall to Hugo's room. His room was a mess, just as his father's had been at the Burrow. He was only eight now, and Rose was eleven. She would be starting her first year at Hogwarts tomorrow.

Hermione remembered briefly when she had first met a certain blonde haired boy on the train, nearly 17 years ago. How captivating those beautiful stormy grey eyes were. Hermione snapped herself out of those thoughts, and closed the door to her youngest child's room. She entered the kitchen, fixed herself a mug of hot chocolate and perched herself on the cushioned area in front of a window, facing the green lawn. She took a sip and savored the delectable drink. She leaned back and closed her eyes, instantly sucked back into the past, and her memories.

An eleven year old Hermione Granger strode into a compartment on the Hogwarts Express, along with a boy, Neville. Two boys, both her age stared at her in shock. One had messy black hair and emerald green eyes. The second boy was taller than the first, with floppy red hair, a freckled face, and clear blue eyes. He also had a smudge of dirt on his nose. Hermione asked bossily, "Have you seen a toad? Neville's lost one." The red haired boy sighed impatiently.

"We've already told him we haven't seen it." That was when she noticed the battered wand in his grip. After Ron's failed attempt at magic, she walked out of the compartment along with Neville. After saying good bye to him, and promising to look for his toad, she rounded the corner to return to her compartment. She walked smack dab into a boy, rounding the same corner. As she was just a few inches shorter, she hit her head on his chin.

"Ow!" They both yelped and clutched at their heads. Hermione tilted her head up to get a better look at the boy. He was pale, with neatly kept platinum blonde hair. His dark grey eyes sparked with annoyance as he stared back at her. She could feel herself getting lost in his eyes, that is, until her pushed roughly past her.

"Watch where you're going!" She stared after him as he strode down the train, confused and hurt.

Hermione sighed and opened her eyes, leaning her head against the cool glass of the window. Her breath fogged up the clear frame and she used her hand to wipe it away. She watched as flurries of snow fell outside, blanketing the ground with snow. Moonlight rippled across the waters of the Thames river. She stared up at the cold moon, among the dark starry sky.

Eleven year old Hermione Granger crossed the floor toward the stool in the middle of the large room. She sat, straight backed on the stool as Professor McGonagall placed the hat over her head. A loud, ancient voice filled her head. "Aah... A muggle born, I see. You aspire for greatness, and you want to do well in your studies. Very smart. But also brave. A hard worker, but not fit for Hufflepuff. Or Slytherin. Gryfindor or Ravenclaw then." The voice in her head quieted, as though in deep thought. "But I see that many great things wait for you among the bravest house. You shall be, GRYFINDOR!" The hat yelled it out across the hall. Hermione took the hat off and placed it back on the stool.

"Thank you." She whispered to it and headed to her table. She sat on her house table and watched as many others were sorted after her. And then as the Professor called out another name, the blonde haired boy on the train walked forward.

"Draco Malfoy!" She watched curiously as the hat was placed above his head. Before it even touched his blonde locks however, the hat immediately shouted his House. Slytherin. Hermione crushed the small feeling of disappointment in her stomach as Draco Malfoy strode happily to the Slytherin Table. He had a sure smirk on his lips. As he passed her, their eyes locked again. Brown and Grey. Then the moment passed and he walked away, toward his new family.

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