The door bells chimed lightly as Yoongi entered the door of the local bubble tea shop. This one that was closest to his house, so he settled for the short walk.
"Hello! Would you like to try our limited-edition honeydew flavored smoothie today?" A cheerful-sounding voice greeted Yoongi, breaking his gaze from the menu that seemed to have way too many flavors and looking at the boy.
No! I came here for bubble tea and bubble tea only, was the sentence he began to form, but it quickly faded as he looked at the employee.
The red-haired employee had a young appearance due to his adorably chubby face, and was about the same height as Yoongi. His name tag, slightly crooked, had the words hello, my name is Park Jimin. He trailed his eyes back to Jimin's face, only to find a confused expression written all over it.
"Uh, are you okay, sir?"
Yoongi blinked quickly a few times as his face became red with embarrassment. "Oh, yeah, I'm alright," he said, rubbing his sweaty hands together, getting ready to order.
My hands weren't sweaty a while ago... ugh. Ok. All I gotta do is tell this boy what I want, wait, and leave. I should've just stayed home.
The blonde-haired boy cleared his throat and looked at the menu (to avoid looking at the incredibly cute employee standing in front of him). He knew it'd so difficult to say one word, let alone a whole sentence.
"C-can I get a T-taro bubble tea?"
"My name's Yoongi!" He shouted without thinking, causing Jimin to practically jump back in surprise.
"O-okay," was all Jimin managed to say.
Yoongi stammered sorry, hoping to get his 10-minute crush's smile to appear again.
Jimin smiled again, almost like he was reading Yoongi's mind. "It's okay, Yoongi," Jimin said, raising one eyebrow.
The older one's heart stopped for a few seconds. What is he getting at? Does he like me, too? Questions like that ran through his mind.
A few awkward moments later, Jimin came back to the counter, holding the tea that Yoongi had ordered. "Here you go."
He passed the tea and receipt to Yoongi, their hands less than a centimeter apart.
Ugh, our hands were so close. Yoongi complained to himself.
"Have a nice day, Yoongi!" Jimin said, waving and smiling, like nothing had even happened.
"You too, Jimin."
Yoongi walked out the door, taking a sip of his tea. He began the stuff the receipt into his pocket, when he noticed something else on the paper. Jimin had written his number on the back, and a bunch of quickly scribbled hearts.
Call me soon.