Fate (Luke Brooks fanfic) Chapter 1

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I remember the day exact day I fell madly in love with Luke Brooks. It was 2010, I was fifteen years old and I had just moved to Melbourne with my Mum, Dad and brother Jacob because we all wanted to live closer to my Granny and Grandpa since my Granny had gotten sick. I remember walking in to my new class with my new school uniform on and my hair in a high pony tail, I was unbelievably anxious. Being the new kid, I got stared at by what seemed to be every student and teacher there.

I managed to find where my first class was, it was in room 24A. As I stood outside the dark grey classroom door, I made different scenarios in my head. I had this crazy thought that I'd walk in to class and I'd trip over and my tampons would fly out of my bag or something ridiculous like that which really did not help with my nerves. But I had to face the facts, this was my life now.

Just as I reached for the door handle I felt myself being pushed to the side. A tanned guy with piercing green eyes looked at me "Sorry babe" he quickly said. He then opened the door of the classroom. 'Wow' was my first thought, he was gorgeous. "Oi Luke, Jai, you're faggots!" He then quickly ran off down the hallway with a teacher screaming at him "Beau Brooks get to your own lesson, now!". I didn't know wether to laugh or pretend to be serious, but I had bigger worries. As I turned back to face the classroom door I realised it was open, and around 25 faces were staring right at me.

"Oh hello there, I'm Miss Carter, you are?" I froze for a moment, I definitely wasn't ready for a public introduction. "I-I'm Daisy" I could barely even say my name, I was so nervous and the fact that everyone was staring at me made it a million times worse. "Well, it's nice to meet you Daisy, please go and take a seat over there" She pointed at a seat that was just in front of the back. I walked towards my seat with my head down, I didn't want to look at anyone. As I sat down I put my head up and out of the corner of my eye I could see someone staring at me, I waited until they looked the other way before I looked at them.

I glanced over to see the most perfect human being I had ever seen. He had dark, curly hair and the most gorgeous face I had ever laid eyes on. I was absolutely mesmerised. For the next few minutes the world went quiet and all I could focus on was this God-like human being.

Everything was kind of a blur after that and before I knew it the lesson was over. As I picked up my bag I started to worry about lunch time, I had made no new friends and I couldn't bare the thought of being on my own, I really couldn't. As I desperately looked around the room too see if anyone looked approachable, I noticed that boy looking at me again. He was the definition of perfect. As we had momentary eye contact the butterflies in my stomach were going crazy, I had never ever felt this way about a boy, especially by only looking at them.

A few seconds later he picked up his bag and started to walk towards me, 'oh my gosh, is this really happening?!' I thought to myself. Before I could think about anything else I heard in the cutest Australian accent "Hi, I'm Luke, you alright?" I nervously looked at the ground and replied with a shaky voice "I'm good thanks, you?". He had a little smirk on his face, it was sort of a sarcastic smirk, but if anything it was inviting me in even more. "You seem nervous, I don't bite you know" He laughed. As I let out a small giggle I looked up, he was staring at me right in the eyes, his eyes were a gorgeous hazel brown with a slight hint of green which were warm and inviting. "So, do you wanna come and sit with me and my brother at lunch?" He asked. I nodded and smiled. I finally felt a lot more at ease, he was gorgeous, funny and really nice as well, maybe Australia wasn't so bad after all.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2013 ⏰

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Fate - A Luke Brooks fanfic - Chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now