Garfy was just enjoying himself on his confy bed in Paris on a vacation with Jon Arbuckle when he poeked one gay eye out from where he cozily slumbered. He saw the Three Telltale Signs. The sky was blood red, the floor quaked with a faint rumbling, and unhealthy numbers of crows gathered in inconvenient places. The orange cat planned to spend this whole day inside his House and Home, and yet, the Signs drew him to stir. Jon would have No Idea about these Signs, they were invisible to humans. But Garfield knew.
Nermal was coming.
the perky grey faggot ass cat was surely making their way downtown this very second. Garfield quaked in his boots as he gingerly stowed away within Jon's kitchen. He spied a quivering Odie, sobbing and convulsing in his own tears, and sweat, upon the table. No, the orange cat couldnt kick him off now. Nermal was pounding up the stairs to them, now, he sensed his untimely presence.
"O-Odie, you, okay?" his voice shoook as he spoke.
"borf bordf boark boark bark barkf " howled Odie.
Garfield hopped up upon the table, laying a gentle orange paw on the neck of the dog. He he pet the hound starting at his head all the way to his tail. It idd only so much to soothe the bawling beast.
Out of the corner of hjs Lasagna -filled eye he saw him But just for a moment. Nermal was beyond simple comprehension. adn garifeld hadnt been doing his practices to heighten his mind and his perception, the grey animal left him dumbfounded and sexcuall frustrated without a way fpr him to strangel him.
"Hi, Garfy Baby!" came the godlike, horrendous voic.
"Ugh, I told you to call me Garfy or Garfield, or LasagnaLover3000," corrected garfiynled angrily.
Odie howled.
"OOh GGGGGGGGGGGGreat your damaging Odie, he was Jon's lasyt Horcrux you demon"
":)" said nermal
"hwo the fuck did yo-"
But before Garfield could finish his sentence, his lover Odie was gayly dead in his arms. "nErmal! YOu Banstard!!!!!!!!!!" sscreeched the orange.
The grey monster acted far too quickly for Garfield to counter him, And now, not onyl was his loving Dog boyfriend Odie dead, but this meant the Fall of Jon Arbuckle as well.
get out of my house, nermal
FanfictionIm bored I have literally nothing better to do