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                   Doesn't every teenager at some point in there life feel alone, betrayed, worthless, or like they have nothing to offer the world? Well it comes to no surprise that I have and still do too, I mean come on all you have to do is look at the title and my username to know that to be true. Some people though, you can look at their lives and can find reasons as to why they feel they way they do, others, not so much, and me, I'm on the not so much side. See whenever someone finds out about the thoughts I have or feelings I have they are always like "How can you be like that when you have a good life?", and I do, I have a much more privlaged life than some, but that doesn't change the fact that I still am the way I am. The worst is when my own parents bother me about it and don't understand. I don't really expect them too, but still it's just another frustration. 

               So this is for every girl and boy who have stayed up late making suicide plans, or have self harmed, or even just are starting to feel bleh. You're not alone, now matter how much you think you are you're not alone, and if you're anything like me then it can be hard to believe, but it's true. Hopefully sharing this will help people, and hopefully other stories will pop up and maybe we can all start to help one another instead of tear each other apart. If this even slightly gets popular, which i don't expect it to because it's not some fantasy, it's a real story and probably won't be the best written thing on the planet and is more just because i felt the need to do this, but just in case please give positive feedback. If this was me writing an actual story I would love some constructive critisism, but it's not. This is my real life and real things that have hurt me, so if you want to say something please just leave your comments to yourself if they are't positive. If you don't have anything nice to say don't say it at all, right? So with that long ass intro ended lets's get started shall we? 

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