The Run

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Clare awoke to the sound of a tree colliding with her window. She stood up, her feet hitting the cold oak floor. She opened the window and snapped the branch then tossed it into the yard.

She stepped down the stairs as quietly as possible even though nobody was home. She didnt know why she was there, but she didnt want to go to bed. She walked around, looked at the unpacked boxes still to be settled in. 

~ill never feel welcomed here~ she thought as she looked out the window towards the city lights.

Dark Haven. Even the name of the town sent chills up her spine. She had never lived on a farm but she didnt have a choice. After her mom died, this was all she had left. Just a small farm house with 6 acres of land behind it, 4 of them being all forest. 

It was 4 am and she knew well she wouldnt go back to sleep for a good hour. She decided to take a run, blow off some steem and do it under the radar of this unwelcoming start of her new life.

                                                          ~ · ~ 

After about 30 minutes of running, she realized she had run off of her property. She took out her earbuds looked around. She hadnt disturbed anything so she found the directuon back to the house and started running again. 

As she ran, her head pounded as she began to think about why she was here. She lost concentration and 10 minute later noticed that she was deeper into forest than she had ever been and didnt know where she was. It was almost 5:00 and the sun had peeked its way into the sky. 

She heard a car drive by and ran toward the direction of the far off sound.

She heard another car in another direction and sprinted towards her new found destination. She reached a road that looked almost abandoned. She deciphered which way was West and decided she had enough running so far.

 She walked all the way down the road and found a barn. It looked vaguely familiar and she thought long and hard about it. Then she realized where it came from. It was her "clubhouse" where her and her friends would go play in during the summer. Then it hit her.

~I know where I am! I know how to get home oh sweet jesus do I need coffe!~ 

It was about 6:30. She sprinted home and flopped on her bed sound asleep.

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