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                                                            Abrielle's POV

I didn't really have any friend's the only friend I had was Harry. He was great, I could always tell him everything and I knew it would be safe with him. We have know each other since kindergarten and here we are five years after totally inseparable. We would always play outside in our fort we made, ride your bikes together. He was like my brother. 

I told my mom yell from the kitchen "Abrielle, Harry is here!" 

"Coming" I called. As I ran out of my room trying to avoid all the boxes we are packing beacuse we are moving to a new house on the other side of town my mom said it would be easier over there. I was as excited when Harry came over. "Hey, Harry!"

"Hey, Abrielle" he said as we hugged.

"Mom Harry and i are outside to the fort" I say as I grab Harry's hand and pull he out the back door my sister Faith was out there playing in the sand box. She was three years younger than me.  We went in our fort.

"So what ya wanna do?" I asked him

"Tag! Your it!" Harry called out as he ran away from me around the back yard.

"Hey! That's not fair I was ready!" I called after him as I chased him around enventally I got a hold of him. "Now your it!" I told him. He then chased after me. We pllay tag for around an hour me and Harry were very good runners. after that me and him went and played in our fort.

"Hey, I got you you something" Harry said as he looked at me. He pulls to bracelets out of his pocket "They are friendship bracelets I get them for me and you, but don't tell anyone at school cause it a girl thing and they will make fun of me"

"I won't tell anyone" I told Harry

"Promise?" He says hold out his pinky.

"Promise" I said as I crosed my pinky with his. He then puts the bracelet on me. "Best friends forever" I told him.

"Yes, we will always be friens no one can split us apart" Harry told me.

"Kids it time to come in" My mom called after us. well all ran in side "Harry your mom called she wants you home" My mom informed Harry.

"Okay, Bye Abrielle" he said as he hugged.

"Bye Harry" I tell him

As Harry leaves my sister tell him goodbye. there was unspoken heaviness in the room, as no one talked Dad watch t.v. and my mom sat at the kitchen tablealmost crying. There was tension in the room. Finally someone spoke.

"Kids me and your mother would like to speak to you in the living room" Dad summoned us. We all gathered in the living room.

"My Mom started talking "We aren't packing your stuff because we are moving to the other side of town" My mom's eye weld up with tears, And me and Faith were so confused. "Your father and I are getting a divorce" I could believe what I was hearing. "we are moving to America, We leave tomorrow. Your dad is staying here." My mom got up and left to her room she couldn't take it anymore she needed some space and my dad just sat there watching t.v. not saying one word. I started feeling tears fall from my eyes. I couldn't go who would Harry play with. I go in my moms room slowly and she her crying. her make up down her face.

"yes, baby" She says as I enter

"Can we go say goodbye to Harry tomorrow before we leave?"

"Yes, baby" She told me.

                                                           The next day  

We all drive in silence as we head to Harry's to say goodbye. I have never felt as anger and pain from my own parents. We finally reach Harry's street he is out side in the front yard tear weld up in  my eye as I have to say goodbye forever. But we were supposed ti be best friend forever. The car came to a stop as I hopped out.

"Hey, Abrielle why are you crying?" He asked concern in his voice

"I am moving and no not to the other side of town but to America" I Told him between my whimpers.

"When?" He asked.

"Right now, I came to say goodbye" I told him tears running down my face.

"But You can't go We are supposed to be best friends forever!" He he angrily

I fell into his arm whimpering like a wounded dog. I loved Harry I never thought  I would be saying goodbye. We held each other for a while. "Well, I have to go now. I love you Harry" I told him still crying.

"I love you too" He said as I kissed him on the lips quickly goodbye. He looked at me shocked and blushed.

"Abrielle, we may be a country apart and I will always be with you in the bracelet" He told me as he started to cry. We hugged one last time. Said our goodbyes. Then drove away to the airport

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