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In this life, there is no civilisation. No humans but still humanity is amongst us and the monsters still lurk.

There are 5 tribes that the lycans are separated into:

The first being the fang tribe, they provide the best warriors. They act as the peacekeepers or sentries of the race. They are as intimidating as they come; being the size of a horse when shifted and they tend to have pelts of white or silver. The males are large monstrous beast when they have shed their wolvin furs, the smallest of them being 6 ft 6.

Then there is the Snout tribe, this tribe is renowned for its tracking ability and their unusually long snouts. These tend to be a brindle in colour when in their true form as well as being smaller to allow better movement amongst the shrubbery.

The third tribe is the Claws Clan. These lycans have no particular talent apart from their freakish obsession with their 'talons'. When in their true form they tend to vary from a range of browns and reds, they are also the size of your average werewolf which amounts to the size of a large doe.

The fourth clan, not much is known about, they like to be away from the rest of the world, secluded. They are referred to as the Fur Tribe. They are the same sizes as the fang tribe, except more demonic looking. But its not like they are disfigured or anything, no they are as black as night in wolf form and pale as snow in their human form. Although that's not what makes them freaky, nope, not at all. It's the fact that their eyes are creepy as hell. They either have blue eyes that appear nearly white or they have red eyes and the whites of their eyes aren't white, they are black when their eyes are red in colour. And they refuse to speak English, or at least thats how it was when anyone last had contact with them.

The worst was saved until last; the Skins. Now these lycans are the bogey men of this world, they look like giant shaved rats, not a ounce of fur on them. These beast are the monsters that lurk within the world. They are like the werewolves in a way; born without mates making them free to mate with anyone of their choosing but they choose to pray on the tribes and steal mates while raping, killing and burning whats left to the ground when they are finished. In human form they still don't have any hair on their bodies and they keep their elongated snouts making these guys unpleasing to the eye.

The tribes, over time have split up into multiple dwellings once there numbers started to increase and with the threat of the skins raising the stakes of the upcoming battle grow higher.

But the battle isn't what this story follows. No, it follows the depths that a lycan would travel to, just to insure the safety of ones soulmate.

Two unlikely beings will be drawn together by fate. But to do so one must move out of their comfort zone and become exposed to the elements of a world that was lost to their tribe.

~ Authors Note:

Hi guys, so this book is kinda like my own little fantasy world coming to life because im really into the whole medieval/tribal/lycan/soulmate type thing. I kinda wish that there were more of these types around so i took it upon myself to make one more to the tiny list.

Let me know what you think, you beautiful humans .

Chelsea Navada

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