Ashes,ashes and more ashes

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PROLUGE:                                                     We were all in a line. Michelle whom is my sister,Ty my brother and my father Derek. We were in a line, with our hands tired behind our backs like handcuffs with around 200 people also in the line with 1,000 on either side of us. We were all horrified.

"Oi! Walk faster! You don't want me slitting another throat do you?" The Afghanistan general yelled but he wasn't on the good side he was a criminal like all the rest of them.

And who their leader was? Osama freakin bin ladin (sorry if I splet it wrong)  yep the guys who destroyed the twin towers which we now know as 9/11.

I was staring at the ground beneath my feet, then my eyes wondered up to the back of Michelles head. Just a few hours before it was a perfect bun sitting like a bird on a branch but on her head. Now her bun is hanging off the side of her head like a person hanging on for dear life after falling from the edge of a cliff.

And my mother, she was crying. With Ty trying to comfort her but it wasn't working.

My mind drifted back to a few hours later when everything was great.

Its funny how everything can change in a few hours...


wwwwooooohhhhoooooooooooo im glad i finshed that! hahahah well anyway just tell me if it bores you and ill spice it up :D id appreciate it ecspecially if youd vote comment and follow!! :P well ill be updating probably every week so yeah oh and if you have any questions or anything just comment or inbox me happy reading muchachos!!!!!

xxxxxx ~ River

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2013 ⏰

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