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"Good morning, M'lady!"

"Jeez," You had just finished rubbing the gunk out of your eyes as you slid open your room door, "you guys are too fucking so loud early in the morning." As soon as you opened your door you were greeted by about 200 big and roaring brutes, kneeling with respectfully bowed heads. "The whole neighborhood can hear you idiots!"

"We apologize, M'lady!" They roared once again.

'These retards...do they even listen to a damn word that I say?' "Mukai-sa--," You paused to yawn, "where is my dad?" You turned to the man whom laid on your right, while scratching your stomach unconsciously.

"He said that he was going to be away on a business trip, M'lady." He raised his head to look you in the eye.

"I see...another business trip." You let go a big sigh before dragging yourself to the shower. "If Nori, Shino, and the rest of the girls get here before I'm ready, just tell them--"

"To wait in the living room, I understand."

"...Smartass." You mumbled before sliding the bathroom door shut.

"Who the hell are they?" You asked Mukai to inform of the three, beat-up-looking men before you. They all had shaven heads that were lowered to the floor. You sneered at them annoyingly. "Don't tell me they want to join the gang?"

"That's exactly what they want."

"Please, allow us to join Kin Tora-Kai!" One raised there head to speak.

"Yes, let us! We've dreamed of joining this gang ever since we were in high school!"

"Please! We'll swear our loyalty and promise to become a useful asset to this family!" All of them were pleading with all they had.

"*sigh*" Another sigh escaped your lips. "I don't have time for this. I have to get to school before Nakamori get's on my ass again about being late."

"Pl-Please!" The one who was kneeling closest to you reached out his hand and grabbed onto your ankles. In less then 2 seconds, all types of guns were pointed at him and him alone.

"You have 2 seconds to get your filthy hand of the little lady before you're pumped with holes." Mukai sent a deadly glare his way. It wasn't only him who was glaring though, it was the 200 men who were present in the room with him.

"Hiii~!" He ripped his hand away from you ankle. Sweat was running down, not only his, but all of their faces. They were trembling with pure fear. One false move and that would be it.

"Stop, and put away your guns." And as such, they did. "Listen you guys, it seems you don't know what kind of family this is. I don't know what you think this is, but let me tell you right now, this ain't some shitty band* We're a shitty major syndicate. We're really happy most of the time, but when it comes down to it these guys and dad aren't exactly the reasoning type when you piss them off."


"But it's not like dad took some hot-headed muscle heads under his wing. They just happen to be a bit 'sensitive.' Tell me, what is it that you think that Kin Tora-Kai does?"

"W-Well, we know that you guys are smugglers and have a few entertainment enterprises." One answered.

"Eh~ So you've done your homework. Then what's the most important thing to this family?"

"I--Isn't it honor." Another answered.

"So, what makes you think you're right to join Kin Tora-Kai?"

"Honestly...We have no where to go. We were all pretty much abandoned by our parents after they all found out that we were failures and useless to them. You guys, from the outside, look like you have a formidable bond, and what we want the most, is a family to call our own..." After explaining, they all kept their heads lowered and lips shut.

Yankee-chan and Cop-kun Sosuke x Reader✓Where stories live. Discover now