The Madness

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The day the madness began was like any other day,I woke the kids up and got them ready for school,My oldest daughter complained that my youngest was taking too long in the bathroom and my youngest complained that her sister had used the last of the toilet paper.I took matters into my own hands and gave Beth some more toilet paper and rushed Emma to another bathroom. Crisis averted! I kissed my husband goodbye and me and the girls headed for school.I remember seeing road construction, it stuck in my mind bc it was the reason the girls were late that day. Once I dropped them off ,I headed back home,That's when everything changed.

Everything was calm,it was peaceful,nobody else seemed to be on the road but me,I wondered where everyone was,Suddenly without warning I saw another car driving full speed into my lane,I didn't have time to react,Everything went black. When I opened my eyes I was no longer in my car,I was in the hospital,I couldn't move at first and could barely make out the pictures on the wall.I could hear muffled sounds, they were voices but I wasn't sure what they were saying,I looked around but nobody was there, I tried to scream,I tried to call out ,but my voice was gone.I got out of my bed and walked the halls ,hoping to see anyone,maybe someone could explain what had happened to me.Then I thought about my girls,had they been picked up from school, were they OK,I began to panic and started looking for the exit.
It seemed like it took forever to find the exit, the hospital was like an endless maze, I never ran into anyone, when I walked outside it wasn't dark or daylight outside,it was like the world had turned black and white ,there was no color,no warmth,no cold,there was no wind and still,no people. I looked for cars and saw none, what was this madness? I thought.maybe I'm dead,but if I'm dead ,where are the other ghosts? Where is that light everyone talks about?I didn't know how to feel.I just kept walking, determined to find my family, those voices kept coming, they seemed so near yet sounded so far away ,I continued to make my way home,that's where I felt my family was but along the way I broke down several times,I was afraid of the unknown, I tried to pull myself together and gave myself a pep talk.I finally made it home, I realized I was still wearing my hospital gown and didn't have my keys,I knocked on the door and waited for a response, nothing,I tried to yell for my husband but I was mute,I decided to break the window and investigate. I checked every room and they were all empty,I wanted to scream,I walked into Beth's room first,there were flowers everywhere ,they were the only thing that was in color,they were lavender, I walked over to pick one up and when I did it quickly lost its color. It freaked me out. I couldn't even smell it.I went into Emma's room next,there was snow falling,yet I couldn't feel the cold, I tried to touch it but it melted,my world had fallen apart.

I felt so tired but I couldn't sleep,I went into my room and laid in bed but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't sleep.the voices stayed with me throughout the duration of the time I spent at my house, I looked at the clock and the time never changed, it was stuck on 8:25,the same time as my crash.I wanted answers so bad but didn't even know where to begin to search for a clue
After spending what felt like an eternity of time in my room wallowing in self pity ,I pulled myself together and decided to look for the site of the crash I was in,I had nothing better to do,so why not?I attempted to change my clothes but it was no use,I couldn't seem to even get the stupid gown off,let alone put something new on,what kind of world was this? I made my way out the door and started my new journey to the crash site.when I finally got there, I saw my mangled car and wished I could remember what happened after that other car hit me,the other car wasn't there,I felt anger toward the person that did this to me, I hoped they were suffering as bad as I was,a tear trickled down my face,and I could feel its warmth, I grew excited bc I thought maybe the site of the crash was helping me ,somehow any way, then the voices came again,at one point I could've sworn someone was touching me,I didn't feel alone, but still, I couldn't see anybody.
I got in my car and searched for clues,I saw blood and hair,likely my own,there wasn't much else to see.I prayed to God to help me,I begged him to help me escape this madness,I wanted to see my daughters faces again and hug them,I missed them so much, I thought about my husband ,I'd give anything to kiss him and lay with him,I always felt so protected in his arms.Then I saw something, a light!it kept coming on and off,could it be another person? I ran towards it and the closer I got ,the louder the voices became ,I could make out the words, clear! And I saw the flash,clear! Another flash,and finally,the answer itself was in fact clear.I opened my eyes,it was bright and colorful,I looked around and saw a doctor," we thought we had lost u for a minute there"he said.I looked around, there was an older man and two young women,they seemed so concerned,where is my family I asked,"mom we're here"one of the women said,"its us,Emma and Beth, dads here too" they hugged me and began to cry,they told me I had been in a coma for 10 yrs,they had grown up.I missed their lives,I didn't think I wanted to be alive anymore,these people were strangers to me,I wanted my children back.

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