such an odd first chapter, i would agree, but it's an important (but saddening) item right now. as i sit here watching the second season of glee i can't help but think of the reoccurring thought that my dad thinks i'm overly obsessed with my phone, so he is going to switch out my android smart phone for a flip phone. you'd probably find this humorous or you may even think he's joking, but the sad part about it is, he's not. he's dead serious and he's going to take away my smart phone. my goal for these next few weeks (or days) is to stay off my phone as much as possible and avoid the taking away of this phone. the phone i met all of my internet friends on, the phone that i texted my first boyfriend on, the phone that kept me contacted with my remaining friends i had left. so yes, i will be one of the last teens in this world to have a flip phone. i really wish this wasn't occurring, but it is. i will try my best to stop it, but my dad is a psychopath when it comes to my phone. over and out. .x