The Mission

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The body lay in the middle of the room. Trails of blood trickled down the magnolia walls of the dirty hotel room. The smell of death and fear lingered in the air. He stood over the corpse, panting, trying to catch his breath.

    “What the fuck have I done?”

    Sirens in the distance caught his attention and  he peered though the curtains, looking out of the window to the street below. Panic flooded his senses.

     No one could have heard the commotion caused by the killing that had just occurred...could they? He thought that he had been careful, the goal of the last few months finally achieved. But what if he was wrong? What if someone had heard and had already called the police, an ambulance? All his hard work would be for nothing.

    He sobbed, the sound catching in his throat. He fell to his knees and rocked, backwards and forwards, over and over again. How had he got here? It had never been his goal in life to be a killer, but he had been guided and shown the way by the beautiful woman that he had met in a club four months before this fateful night.

    She had been the most amazing creature he had ever seen. Everything about her was perfection. She had shown him things he had never seen before, both in and out of the bedroom, and he would do anything for her. She was like a drug to him. An addiction he could not break. When she had told him that she needed him to kill for her, he had made it his mission in life to do just that.

    He had changed so much since that night in the club. He had been sitting at the bar, nursing his whiskey sour, depressed and alone, when he had first seen her. Every man in the room was mesmerised by her. The way she moved was fluid, the curve of her neck enticingly visible as she tossed her long hair over her shoulder. Of all the men in the club that night, she had made her way straight to him. From a man who had been quiet and withdrawn, he had become vibrant and outgoing. He had started to do things that he would had never have dreamed of doing and tonight was a perfect example.

    All his family and friends had made comments and jibes about his relationship. They were obviously jealous, each one of them in awe of her. One by one they had stopped calling, stopped disguising their jealousy behind thinly veiled speeches about his wellbeing and concerns for his state of mind. Especially his mother, stupid fucking bitch that she was. She has been nothing but a thorn in his side since the day that he had crawled out of her fetid womb. She had spent the last thirty years berating him, telling him he was useless and that he would never amount to anything. Well, he had fucking shown her hadn't he. A goddess had entered his life and chosen him above all others. A goddess who had made him feel like a man and shown him the light.

    He raised his head, his thoughts of his past life broken for a moment. He heard footsteps, the sound of high heels beating out a staccato against the tiled floors of the hallway. She was coming. He hoped that she would be happy with his night's work. Surely now she would say those three little words that he longed to hear.

    He dragged himself from his knees and tried to tidy himself up. Excitement chased away the earlier feelings of guilt and regret. He stepped over the still warm body and walked into the small en suite. In the glaring light of the bathroom he was pleased and surprised to see that not a drop of      blood had touched him. He smiled. He knew that looks wise she was way out of his league, but he always tried to make an effort for her. It was the least that he could do. Tonight wasn't going to be any different.

    When they had arranged this evening's entertainment, he had asked her how she would get in. He didn't want to leave the door unlocked and run the risk of someone walking in on him whilst he was creating this masterpiece for her. As he had voiced his concerns, she had sat and looked at him. One of those long sensual looks that always made him aroused. He'd stopped talking mid- sentence, taking the sight of her in from her head to her feet. She had leaned over and whispered in his ear, increasing the already growing sexual energy inside him.

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