Mistake with (Niall Horan)

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Me and Niall have been dating for two years and it was close to Christmas. I had to go visit my parents. I lived in Chesire, England. On Christmas Eve we had so many presents. I gave my mom her present and when she opened it her eyes started to well up. She ran to me and hugged me so tight as she was crying with joy she choked out 'thank you so much' she pulled it out and put in on her wrist. I gave her a charm bracelet with words carved into it saying 'forever your little girl' I received new dresses bracelets and earrings. After New Years I decided to surprise Niall. I booked a plane ticket

for me to go back to LA. Harry picked me up at the airport and when we reached to the hotel room Harry said 'he will be so suprised' apparently Niall wasn't home, he was will Liam eating lunch. Harry set my luggage in his room and as soon as he closed the door Zayn popped out of his room. He screamed and hugged me. He bursts out saying ' oh mahh godd! Your here does Niall know your here? Lets call him!' I grabbed his shoulder and he froze. I chuckled and said 'it's a suprise! Don't tell him!' He sighed and he went to the living room. I turned around and Harry was on his phone. He said that it will be only me in the hotel room so that it will be a total suprise. Him and Zayn went out for lunch. I decided to use the restroom. I washed my hands and as I was about to walk out I heard laughing coming from Niall's Room. I tiptoed to the door and put my ear lightly on the door. I heard a girl moan Niall's name. Niall's grunted and I could hear the bed squeaking. I turned around so mad I punched Louis bedroom door. I turned around to see a worried Niall. He reached out to me. He was only in his boxers. I pushed him away and I screamed at the top of my lungs. He asked me what was wrong and I spat ' WHAT'S WRONG? I JUST HEARD YOU GETTING DIRTY WITH A GIRL! SO APPERRENTLY YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT MY FEELINGS! I CAME BACK HERE TO SUPRISE YOU! DON'T YOU KNOW HOW MUCH MONEY I SPENT TO JUST SEE YOU?' He stutters saying ' I...I I'm so sorry! I wasn't thinking. It was nothing. We were just talking!' I pushed him out the way and I bursted open his door to see a naked girl on his bed with clothes all over his room. I turned around and yelled 'NOTHING?! YOU KNOW WHAT NIALL WE ARE OVER! SO OVER! I DON'T WANNA SEE YOUR DISGUSTING FACE!' Tears stained my face. I went into Harry's room and grabbed the guitar that Niall gave me for my birthday, I walked up straight to him and I said 'remember this?' I held it straight to his face and he nodded while wiping away his tears. I took a couple steps back and I looked back at Niall and I raised the guitar over my head and smashed it full-forced to the ground. Pieces flew every where. I wiped my tears that rolled on my cheeks. I went into Harry's room and grabbed my bags. I was about to walk out the hotel room but Niall grabbed my wrist and pulled me back into the room. He was begging and kneeling he was crying so hard. I wanted to bend down and say it was okay and hold him in my arms. But I said to myself that I had to be strong. I slipped out of his grasp and walked out of the hotel room. As I was about to get into the lift Liam,Louis,Zayn, and Harry walk out. They had worried faces on when they saw me. Liam walked towards me and asked what happened but I kept my head low and I didn't say anything. Liam pulled me into a hug and I sniffled into his chest. The rest of the boys huddled around us and hugged me. I let go of Liam and I grabbed my phone and I told my mom I was coming home. I looked up to Liam and I whispered to him to bring me to the airport. He nodded and brought me to the car. The rest of the boys stood there watching us leave. I got into the airport and hugged and waved goodbye to Liam. I got onto the plane and got home. Once I got to my house I stormed to my room and locked the door. Good thing my dad and sister were sleeping. My brother was at work. I checked my phone and I had a lot of missed calls and texts from Niall. One text said ' PLEASE BABE CAN WE TALK THIS THROUGH? THIS ISN'T OVER WE WILL BE BACK TOGETHER!' I put my phone on its charger and fell asleep. The next morning my light brown hair looked like a rats nest. But I didn't care. There were knocking on my door but I didn't answer. They were trying to talk to me. Looks like Liam ratted me out. Louis was trying to get me to talk but I buried my head in my pillows. Then out of nowhere Louis snapped and yelled 'NICKI MARIA HENDERSON! YOU OPEN THIS GOD DAMN DOOR THIS INSTANT!'

I groaned and slipped out of bed and I kicked the door. I heard the boys get startled. I slowly unlocked my door and opened it. Infront of me was standing Louis, Zayn, and Liam. I sighed and walked back to my bed and layed down. They walked in and asked what happened. I snapped at them 'YOU GUYS DON'T NEED TO KNOW! IT ISN'T OUR BUSINESS! PLUS IF I TELL YOU THAT FUCKING LYING LEPRECHAUN IS GONNA DENY EVERYTHING!' I opoligised and asked where was Harry. Zayn told me that he was with Niall in LA watching him. I sighed and sat up. Louis grabbed my wrist and pushed me into the shower. And when I was finished changings and combing my hair Liam grabbed my hand and took me to a Range Rover. I asked where they were taking me. They only chuckled.

Two hours into the drive I was asleep. And when I woke up I was in an air plane. I was screaming but a hand covered my mouth which made my scream muffled. I turned around to see Louis covering my mouth. I licked his hand and he squealed. He moved his hand saying ' EWW COOTIES!' I chuckled and I asked where we were heading and louis whispered 'LA' I got up and went to the bathroom and I was litteraly banging my head against the wall. We landed and I was mad but I also missed my little Irish man! We got back to the hotel and I remember the seen that happened in this very living room. The guitar smashing and lying and sobs. We pass Liam's room and I turned to Louis door which didn't have a huge whole in it anymore. I saw Niall's door and I shunned it. We walked for a while. But as we turn around the boys stopped me and we stood infront of Niall's door. I pushed them away! But they kept me tucked in their own little space. Liam spoke he whispered to me telling me I have to calm down Niall. He has gone full rage. He broke three windows and he broke his bed. I whispered to him 'do I have to?' Louis nodded. Zayn cleared his throat and said 'Harry we....gotta talk to you' Liam whispers 'that's the code for we have you' I nodded and sighed. Harry opened the door a inch. He looked straight at me. He slipped out of the room. As he slipped through the door I heard something that is glass break in Niall's room. I flinched.

Harry grabbed my hand and brought me to his room. He sighed ad he pulled out his phone. Harry looks terrible. He looked like he hasn't slept in a long time. He went to his gallery and showed me a video of Niall throwing things across the room yelling my name. He punched the wall and he made a huge hole. He turned off his phone and he hugged me, like a 'thank-god-your-here hug' He told me I have to make up with Niall and calm him down. I nodded and we walked back out into the hallway. Zayn opens the door and I walk in. Niall's face was blood red. He ran over to me and he hugged me. I hugged him back. He let go of me and he sat on the bed. I sat next to him and I tried calming him down. He starts to yell saying I'm no good for him but I say that we were meant to be together. After a couple of screams he calmed down. The boys left the door and watched a movie. Niall hugged me and I hugged him really tight. Later we were laying down on his bed cuddling. Niall was sleeping because he was exausted from being on rage. I wake up in the morning finding Niall watching me. I think he was watching me sleep. But I don't care! We both get up. I was gonna take a shower but Niall walked into the restroom with me. I chuckled and I whispered to Niall telling him I am gonna shower. He says I know I am gonna shower with you. I chuckle and I lean in and kiss his cheek. We get into the shower and cleanse ourselfs properly. We dry off and Niall changes. I walk over to Liam in a towel asking where my clothes are and he said they are in His room. I walk over to Liam's room and lock the door and change. I decided to wear a turquoise hoodie with skinny jeans with my blue Jordans. I walk out and go into living room. I take out my phone and go on twitter. I post a text that said @NickiOfficial: Hey guys just wanna say that I'm here in LA with my boys One Direction. See ya twitters later.x I turn around finding the boys watching me post things in twitter. The boys pull out there phone and RT my text. I laugh and I sit on Niall's lap nuzzling my head in his chest. The boys 'awe' and I start to blush. Harry asked 'you to love birds together again?' Me and Niall nodded.


So?? How was it! They got together! Niall & Nicki?

Harry & Nicki?

Or Louis & Nicki?

Comment below and vote for me please! Thanks!


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2013 ⏰

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