Just Fucking Take It

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My name is Maxwell Green.

I completely and utterly hate that name.

My life is an utter load of shit. I don't believe in suicide but sometimes I wish I could just stop living.

I live at home with my mum and her new boyfriend, Trent. I'm not too fond of him but I suppose he could be worse, he generally just ignores me at all times, kind of like my mum. And everyone else in the fucking world.

You could probably guess that I don't like school, it's pretty shit when you have no friends. I've never really been picked on much as a teenager like I did when I was a kid, I guess I kind of just blend into the wallpaper these days.

I skip school more and more lately, mostly out of boredom and restlessness. I just can't be fucked anymore, my grades have gone to shit over the last few months, what's the fucking use eh?

I can't say I'm depressed, or mentally unstable..

More.. Pissed off.

Each day that goes by I care and feel less, like I'm just fading away.

But I can still feel that one thing.. That fire, the anger burning up inside me, just waiting..

The day had started out pretty normal, I was broodingly hovering around the house, slowly getting ready for school knowing full well I'd be back home in less than an hour.

Mum didn't leave for work until around 10, I usually just wandered down to the the small, secluded riverbed about 10 minutes walk from my house. It was nice there. Peaceful almost. I didn't hate it

I did my usual thing, waiting at least an hour before returning to the the small brick home we shared. As I unlocked and pushed the front door open I dumped my bag immediately onto the floor, kicking my shoes off just as fast.

The house was empty and odd feeling as per usual, for some reason I could never feel completely at home there. The walls were an awful faded looking yellow that just revolted me, it always smelt like lavender as my mother was always burning hippie scented oils which I hate. The only thing I did like was that my room was the basement. A big room, away from everyone else, all to myself, no windows, no sun.. Perfect.

Fuck I'm a morbid son of a bitch.

I reached the bottom of the stairs casually, before looking up to meet the very confused and irritated eyes belonging to Trent looming down on me.

"Maxwell, why aren't you at school?" he immediately questioned me, his brow furrowing slightly.

I racked my brain hurriedly, feeling frozen and unable to get an excuse out.

"Uhh.. I'm sick." I finally managed to spit out slowly.

Fucking bravo Max, that's soo believable, how did you become so clever? I taunted myself mentally before noticing how distracted and impatient Trent looked.

I glanced away for a moment only to see a boy a bit older than me standing a mere 2 meters away. My face suddenly distorted into a confused display of emotion before Trent decided to speak up.

"Maxwell, this is my youngest son, Ronnie, he will be staying with us for a bit until I figure something out. He's decided to go ahead and cause his aunt so much grief that she's gone and kicked him out." I could see him working himself up, obviously pissed off and disappointed before he shook his head slowly and began to head back up the stairs.

"I'm going back to work." he called out at what seemed like no one in particular.

I turned back around, almost slightly shocked, facing the stranger just standing in my room.

"So Max is it?" His lips curled back slightly presenting a small smirkish smile, a hint of something flashing in his eyes, something that caused an awful rush of shivers to flood down my spine.

My mind was spinning, an abyss of anxiousness and a slight fear, rattling me stupid.

I was awful at meeting new people. I suppose it had something to do with the fact that I really just didn't like people.. At all.

The older boys taunting smirk beckoned me for a reply as he stood with his hands shoved into his extremely tight jean pockets casually.

"Mmhm.. Unfortunately." Finally came out of my mouth as morbidly as the voice in my head sounded, my eyes darted around slightly, avoiding the boys somewhat nerving and intent stare.

The boy chuckled deeply, only taking his eyes off me for a split second before they were intently back in place. His shoulder length hair hung loosely and unkempt, the Jack daniels t-shirt he wore was faded and torn, clinging tightly to his seemingly muscular body.

Fuck, I'm staring..

"I like it." He stated, still smirking and taking an intimidating step forward, now all but a foot away from me.

"L..Like what?" I stuttered, my mind a blank, my nerves sparked fires through my body as my anxiousness grew from the invasion of my personal space.

His small smirk grew quickly into a wide devilish grin, almost as if he could feel my heart beating harder and was enjoying my growing fear.

"Your name. Max." He stated, a glint shimmered in his dark eyes as he spoke my name.

"Why are you in my room?" Blurted quickly out of my mouth. This was becoming too much conversation for me, I needed him out of my space. I shoved my hands hurriedly into my pockets, not knowing what else to do with them. I tried desperately not to make eye contact as my awkwardness completely took over.

"Our room you mean?" He corrected me cockily glancing over at what was obviously his bags laid up against the grey walls in the corner of the basement. My eyes quickly followed, somewhat confused.

My eyes widened as I looked back at him, his eyebrow arched cockily waiting for my response.

"What?" I questioned in disbelief, my face twisting in irritation.

"Well my aunt is never going to let me stay there again, that's for fucking sure, so I'm stuck here with Daddy dearest until I can find something else.. But until then we'll be bunk buddies eh?" He said, winking at me before turning and walking over to the large bunk beds pushed up against the far wall, sprawling himself out on the bottom double bed bunk.

"That's my bed!" I exclaimed, frowning slightly.

"My aren't we unwelcoming." He spoke, almost giggling as he sat up on the bed, not actually getting off.

Something about him was odd.. Off even.

He eyed me almost daringly, sitting still on the double bed.

I ignored his comment and blurted out the first thing that came to mind. "What happened with you and your Aunt?"

The sides of his mouth twitched ever so slightly as his face twisted into a look I couldn't quite read or explain. The curiosity grew like a fire inside me, replacing my irritation.

Finally after what felt like too many moments of silence passed he answered.

"I'm.. not always.. Very well behaved." He smirked after choosing his words ever so carefully.

My stomach turned quickly as the rough but mesmerizing words fell from his lips.

Just Fucking Take It - [RonnieRadke/MaxGreen]Where stories live. Discover now