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            [1,237 words of utter bullshit! Enjoy!]

            [BTW this is just the start of There will be happy sansy relationships later on :3 ]

            You awoke, your alarm blaring throughout the house. you cracked your eyes open, before your arm shot out from under the blankets, and falling on top of your alarm clock. hopefully, you hit off, maybe snooze, you'll find out in nine minutes. You stared through blurry eyes for a good minute before turning your head to the side and looking at the green glow of your blurry alarm clock. You blinked a few times until your vision was clear, and looked at the time. 9:22am. "holy shit-" You said threw gritted teeth while throwing the blankets off of yourself and jumping out of bed. You overslept for work.

            You looked in your closet, and grabbed something that looked lazy but nice, which landed on black loose skinny jeans and a light blue long sleeved shirt. You looked down at yourself. "good enough" you mumbled before running out of the room, or... at least trying. you rammed into your closed door and smacked your head. "ooooowwww' you complained, rubbing your forehead while your other hand opened the door.

            you ran to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. You quickly brushed your hair and teeth, and put on some makeup. you speed over to your staircase and took two steps down before your alarm blared again "damn snooze..." You hissed whilst running back into your room and hitting the proper button to make the clock shut up.

            you, again, went down the staircase and got to the bottom, where you slipped on a pair of black converse shoes. you went into your kitchen, and was about to open the fridge before you looked at the time on your microwave. 9:32am. No time to eat, so you ran to the front closet, grabbed your black thin fall coat, before heading out the front door.

            You rushed to work, tripping over your own feet when trying to walk to fast. On one of your 'trips', you tripped into a monster, who asked if you were alright, before waving you goodbye. It's been about a year before the monsters arose from Mt. Ebott. You liked the monsters, they seemed kind hearted and harmless when they needed to be. But some were not to fond of them. Monsters were harassed, humiliated, and segregated from some places humans would go. Most saw them as threats because of their "horrible past".

            You stopped in your tracks in front of your work place: Burger King. yeah yeah, it wasn't the best, but it paid enough to keep you on your feet. You pushed the door open, immediately being hit with warmth. At least it was warm inside, fuck the cold outside. You stepped in another step and looked around. The restaurant was very underpopulated, only 2 people. You started taking off your coat while your eyes shifted up to your co-worker at the front counter.

            "You're late....again." He said sternly, but you could tell he didn't care. "Sorry Burgerpants, I overslept!" You said sheepishly. He propped his head up with his hand and rolled his eyes. "again..." he mumbled "Just- go check in." he finished, his hand giving out and his face landing on the counter.                 You speed to the break room and quickly checked in and hung up your coat. You grabbed you name tag you placed on the table from yesterday and pinned it to your shirt. Once you were ready, you walked to over to where Burgerpants was standing, face still planted on the counter. You tapped his shoulder, making him turn his head to look at you. He always looked tired....

"It's uh, It's my shift at the counter!" You said in a fake cheery tone. He stood up and pulled a...joint, out of his pocket and started walking to the back door.

"and I will be out back." He said while opening the door and disappearing out of it. You shook your head, burgerpants was great, but.....odd, in his own ways. But he had to reason for anyone to dislike him.

            You stood at the front counter for some time, and you realized why B.P. was so bored up here. absolutely nothing's going on here. You sat bored for a good ten minutes before your phone came out.

            a good 20 minutes of Neko Atsume, Impossible Game, and Tumblr later, you finally hear the door open. You quickly shut off your phone and put it away and gave the three that entered a fake-ish smile. There was a tall skeleton, a short skeleton, and a small child talking to the shorter skeleton with sign language- presumably telling the skeleton what they want. The tall skeleton brought his arms up to his chest and shook his hands

"Saaaanss why did we have to come here? You know how I hate grease!" The taller Skeleton complained to...Sans was it? "Oh, c'mon bro, you know Frisk loves this place." Sans said, taking Frisks hand and walking them up to the counter. You smiled at the small child sweetly, who mirrored you. You brought your smile up to Sans, who was permanently smiling back at you?

"Hello- welcome to Burger King! What can I get ya?" You asked. The tall skeleton stepped forward, stood tall, and brought one hand up to his chest proudly. "I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, WILL BE ORDERING NOTHING!" Papyrus exclaimed...loudly. Sans looked up at him. "Dude, I think she knows already." He said quietly. Papyrus looked at sans and confused but took in his information. "oh... THEN I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, AM SORRY FOR REPEATING YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF MY NONEXISTENT ORDER!" He exclaimed loudly, again.

            You snickered at the Skeleton. "s'okay" you said, looking at Papyrus. He gasped softly "Oh! she said it's okay Sans I like this person!" Papyrus said quickly. Sans looked up at Papyrus with a smug look on his face "You like everyone". Sans looked up and you, and from habit you smiled at him. "ready?" You questioned. "Oh, yeah. Um," The short skeleton looked down at Frisk and quietly asked what they wanted. She responded in sign language and Sans looked back up to you. "Frisk 'll have a ten piece chicken nugget" You quickly punched that into the register "and I'll have a cheeseburger, extra ketchup." You punched that in as well. "allllright, your total is $4.20." Sans snickered at the price number as he pulled out his money while the receipt printed out. Sans looked at the money in his hands and looked at you for a moment.

"everything alright?" You asked. "um, I uh, only have the four dollars...." You looked at the money in his hand "OH! That's okay, I can get it." Sans placed the money on the counter where you grabbed it, and you pulled a quarter out of you pocket and placed it in the register. "thanks.." he said, a bit embarrassed. "eh, it's alright." you responded nonchalantly.

            The three got their food and ate in a booth. Somehow, they made the place more lively. much more lively. they were filling the restaurant with laughing and talking, and they seemed pretty cool. When the three were done eating, they walked out, Papyrus running back up to the counter with a piece of paper with his number on it, saying he thought you were cool and pure friend material. He ran out to the others and waved bye through the window.

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