Hai Everyone!

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Welcome to Vesper's Art Attempt Number 2! Yep, I'm back for more! If you don't know me, I'm a more or less average twelve year old girl who is obsessed with art. Above is a collage of the art from the previous book (plus my adorable fish Napoleon <3). Throw that out the window, I'm starting fresh and from now on, art is officially better. Okay, so I'll go over some rules right now. Prepare for a long list of tediousness, sorry guys :3

-Please do not be mean down in the comments, or swear/curse.
-DO NOT STEAL MY ART. I wouldn't understand if people stole it because it's not good enough haha, but all the same, please notify me immediately if you spot someone stealing my art.
-Don't bug me for requests please. Right now they are closed, and check with me if they are open. If they are open and you request, please be patient because I'm the laziest butt ever and you're going to have to deal with that.
-Art trades, Style Swaps etc. are the same as requests.
-Please do not be upset if I do not respond to your comments or pms immediately, soon, or at all. I always read and appreciate all my comments, but I don't respond to all of them and sometimes Wattpad is just a jerk and doesn't send the notification so I never actually see it. I also rarely check messages.
-Constructive criticism is strongly encouraged. I really want to know what you guys think, and what I can improve on.
-Feel free to ask questions and chat with me. Most people distant themselves form their viewers as they get famous (not saying I'm famous at all lol) but I consider myself a friend to all you guys, so don't be afraid to approach me. I can give anyone pointers about their art and how to improve, or I'm always up for a friendly chat.
-You can draw my OCs if you like, and you don't need to give me permission if you want to. But please credit and tag me, because I'd be flattered and I'd love to see what you guys create! Haha is anyone is actually going to.
-I don't swear a whole lot, but I do say crap, damn, you know all that. If you're really sensitive to this stuff, please don't harass me over it and either put up with it or leave. However, I usually warn people if I put swearwords in my art and I censor everything anyway.

I think that's about it. I like posting WIPS, especially as I like doing multiple pictures at the same time. Hope you don't mind that! I also like doing both digital and traditional art, depending on what mood I'm in. I'm a digital dork right now, so yeah. Main stuff I use include:
-Normal printer paper
-Colour Pencils (Crayola, worse brands, Derwent, Faber Castell)
-HB Pencil
-6B Pencil
-Procreate (Main Program)
-SketchClub (Sometimes)
-Ibis Paint X (I used to use it for everything but I upgraded to Procreate. Maybe I'll still use it for something idk)

I draw with my iPad mini and those programs are all apps. I use finger, cuz I haven't been able to find a decent stylus and I don't have a tablet. That about covers it, sorry for such a boring introduction chapter. Probably half my viewers skipped the whole thing XD Welp, hope you enjoy what I post! Cya until the next chapter!

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