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Let's start this off with a little bit about me, okay? I'm Caden Lane Montgomery. I'm sixteen and single. I live in Englewood, Colorado and go to Englewood Highschool. You probably think I'm your average, crazy teenager, right? But the thing is, I'm not. I do drugs, and not just smoke marijuana, I'll do anythng I can get my hands on. In fact, I think I'll tell you how I got this way.

It started with the gate way drug, marijuana. But, before I start my story I will tell you a little about it. Cannabis, known as marijuana in its herbal form, is a psychoactive product of the plant Cannabis sativa. It has psychoactive and physiological effects when consumed, usually by smoking or ingestion. The minimum amount of THC required to have a perceptible psychoactive effect is about 10 micrograms per kilogram of body weight. The state of intoxication due to cannabis consumption is colloquially known as a “high”; it is the state where mental and physical facilities are noticeably altered due to the consumption of cannabis. Each user experiences a different high, and the nature of it may vary upon factors such as potency, dose, chemical composition, method of consumption and set and setting. Now, on with the story. It was late one day when I decided I’d go up to my Grandmother’s house to hang out with my brother upstairs in his room for awhile. I crept my way up the carpeted stairs on my bare feet, opened the door, and turned to my right into his door-less room which had the scent of incense. He was listening to music quite loudly on his computer as he browsed the Internet, two speakers with a subwoofer for thump and for quality pounded my ears. He turned it down slightly, turned his rolling computer chair to me and we spoke for awhile, talking of current events, things happening to us as of late, the usual bullshit you encounter when talking to a friend or brother or whomever. Our conversations are a little more ‘dark’, though. We talk of organized religion at times, politics, science, interesting stuff, not usually ‘he said that she said that he said’ bullshit.

He told me he was going to ‘poke some smot’, and pulled out his bong from behind the computer. He smoked Marijuana quite often (well, once every couple days, if he had some), and every couple times I was up there he would have some Cannabis to enjoy, he’d smoke it, and I never participated. We joked about how he’d get me high, and for a first-timer, we’d use ice in the bong to cool it off. Gabe decided that he’d do that anyway, went to the bathroom, dumped the water out of his Styrofoam cup, and put the ice in the bong. I made a remark which I don’t recall, sparked his thinking that I wanted to try it, and asked me if I wanted to. For the first time since I saw him and other relatives I knew smoke years ago, I gave an answer to that question I never have before. I said yes.

The second I did, I knew I was going to be experiencing something amazing, and my Adrenal Glands did, too. My heart pumped, and my fingers shook. He put the bong on the computer table and loaded a full bowl into it. He put the lighter to it, flicked it on, and the embers from the Marijuana burned. He sucked into the bong as it filled with smoke, pulled out the bowl, and inhaled the smoke that gathered in the bowl. To a first-timer who’d never seen this in detail, this contraption looked scary. I got the basic principle behind it, though. He handed me the bong.

I put the lighter up to the bowl, tried to light it, and didn’t hit the bowl. My fingers were shaking to damn badly! He laughed and said “You want me to light it?” embarrassed, I nodded for him to. I put my lips inside the main tube, and pressed hard so the tube secured around my mouth, he fired up the lighter, put it into the Marijuana, and told me to suck in. I sucked in, smoke filled the chamber, he told me quickly to pull out the bowl and suck in. I pulled it out, and sucked in with the rest of the lung power I had left. I had made it through the worst part.

The smoke filled my lungs, and it felt great, the familiar oxygen gas that normally filled my lungs was replaced by a thicker batter, swirling around inside my lungs. I let the smoke go from my nostrils and partly my mouth. My brother worked on his second hit at the time this was going on. A feeling of pride overcame me. I’ve seen people cough when smoking, I didn’t cough at all, it felt fine. All the others are pussies I thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2013 ⏰

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