Just Listen

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Thump, thump...thump, thump.

He wasn't sure if he was hearing his feet as they impacted with the hard ground beneath his sneakers or the echo of his racing heart inside his head.

Thump, thump...thump, thump.

He could feel the crunching of the leaves and twigs under his running feet; hear his own breaths as he sucked air in through his nose and exhaled it out his mouth.

Beads of sweat traced a path down the sides of his face and dripped onto his neck pooling in the shallow recess below his collarbone.

Thump, thump.

He'd started out walking on the path admiring the beauty of the budding trees and fresh grass sprouting along the forest floor. Spring wild flowers bloomed in the shade of the canopy of limbs that crisscrossed above his head. A gentle breeze ruffled his hair and he quickened his pace. Walking faster, then jogging and finally running.

Thump, thump.

The scenery around became a blur as he raced along the uneven path just as the thoughts raced through his mind in a blur.

'How could I have been so stupid?'

Thump, thump.

Roy slammed down the phone and stormed out the back door of the station.

He followed his friend. "Roy?" Walking over he watched as Roy leaned heavily against the bed of his truck staring at...nothing, his mouth in a thin line, the taut muscles in his jaw showed that he was obviously gritting his teeth with anger. "What's the matter? Is everything all right?"

They had just gotten off shift and had planned to stop for breakfast before going home. Joanne's call had barely reached them before they left.

"Desoto," Hank called from his office.

"Yeah Cap?"


"I'll be right back, Junior."

"Take your time Roy. No hurry." Johnny followed Roy into the day room and leaned against the doorframe waiting.

"Chris got into a fight in school," Roy blew at him walking by.

"Wait, where you headed?"

Roy looked over at Johnny and blew out a long breath. "Home. Joanne had to go pick Chris up. Wait until I get my hands on him. I thought I had taught him better. What was he thinking? First he lets his grades slip, then he says he wants to quit scouts and now this!"

"Roy," Johnny paused wanting to be sure he got the words together correctly. "Give him a chance to explain. Maybe there's something going on that you're not aware of."

"What?" Roy spun around and glared at him. "Are you trying to tell me I don't know my own son?"

Johnny continued nervously, "I..he...uh...I'm just saying that maybe..maybe something happened..."

"You don't have any idea what you're talking about Gage. You don't have children. Just stay out of it." He grabbed the handle to the truck door and jerked it open with too much force.

Johnny put his hand out to stop the door as it swung toward him. "Give him a chance, Roy."

"Back off. This is not your business."

He raised his hands off the truck and backed away as Roy pulled out a little too quickly almost knocking him down.

He felt the hairs rise on the back of his neck. His hands fell to the side and he stared off in the distance for he didn't know how long. 'None of my business? It sure seems to be my business when it fits your schedule.' Anger raced through him at the way Roy had reacted. 'Not this time partner. I won't be waiting around for you when you find out he had good reason. No sir.' His hands balled into fists, he took shallow breaths, trying to calm himself. Glancing up he noticed Captain Stanley watching the exchange from the bay door. He pulled his sunglasses out of his shirt pocket and slipped them into place. He sauntered over to the Rover, stopping only long enough to dig in his pocket for his keys and slid behind the wheel, revved the engine and pulled away.

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