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"Ever since I was a kid, I knew that I was different from the rest. Nobody had to tell me...it was so obvious that I'm sure my blind grandmother picked up on it. She might've been the one to tell the rest of the world. I would sit alone at school, but not because I had no friends. It was because, well, I would have rather stayed by myself. I rather like myself.
When I entered my Junior year of high school, I had begun to go through a phase where I isolated myself from not only my peers, but my family as well. I didn't, and still don't, regret a minute of it. In fact now that I think about it, my only regret was that it hadn't happened sooner. I rather hated my family, the whole lot, and couldn't wait to leave...rough childhood you know-"
"How did your childhood make you feel?"
"I was getting there...you're a rather impatient fellow aren't you. Pity. I've met a few of them in my lifetime...would you like to know where they are now? I haven't told many people but I would be delighted to share with you. I rather like you, and wouldn't want you to suffer the same fate."
"I, uh...yes I suppose."
"Ah. Well. They're kind of dead. Impatience is the key to...hehe...you know, I'm sure. You're a smart man, even with your impatience. Which is why it is such a tragedy that you won't live to see another day."
"You know too much already my friend...besides I've never been a fan of psychiatrists."
"Now Mr. Carson you do know it's impolite to stutter, eh? I hate the fact as much as you do, believe me. But...not quite enough to not do it anyways. Huh. Say, do you want to die?"
"That's funny...then I suppose that you hate it more than I after all...hm.....have you ever seen a snail in salt Mr. Carson?"
"Oh goodie! Because see now my metaphor will make sense. You see, you are the snail...that makes me, say, the evil kid that is debating whether or not to use a lot of salt, or a little. But see either way Mr. Carson, there will be salt. And when you're wallowing in your own insides, I will be standing above you, debating to use a little, or a lot."
"You-you don't have to do this."
"You know, where have I heard that before? I have a rather big memory loss when it comes to my...yes! My victims! They had screamed those same words before I disposed of them. You people really need to think of something else to say, it's pissing me off."
"Please Jack!"
"Huh. Well that one's new I suppose, if only new to me."
"Listen to me! What do you want? You want money? I'll give you all of my money! Just please let me go!"
"Look at that...first the words now the bribing. Honestly is there a book somewhere on how to coax your way out of death? I would like to find this book and it's author because it is really mainstream for dying quotes."
"Aw come now don't cry Mr. Carson you're a grown man and it's just pathetic...sit still and it'll be over in a blink of an eye. A blink of my eye, not yours. Your blink might last longer."
"I have a family! Two kids, one is about to graduate high school, another just learned my name!"
"The sooner you learn, the sooner you forget. Now sit still Mr. Carson. See these tools here? Now I'm going to talk you through this as I go, see? Now with this little instrument, I will make a long and deep cut in your side......with this one, I shall cut your eyes out.....don't scream now, you're giving me a headache.....now this is called a Cold Steel knife...are you listening? I'm trying to describe it to you since you can't exactly see anymore.....with this baby I will make four cuts, one for each palm and sole....see it doesn't hurt too bad, eh? Now this is one of my favorite parts....before my victims bleed to death, I like to tell them my last trick, that way it isn't unappreciated. This is called a Circumcision Knife all the way from the 1770's....I won it online before I was sent away."
"P-pl-please s-st-sto..."
"You are indeed an impatient man Mr. Carson. I was just getting to my favorite part! I take this knife, and I carve my signature into their chest....now don't scream too harshly now.....see? Mr. Carson? Ah. Well you're finished then. Now, I'll leave you here for the cops to find...it's always fun having a little goose chase, ay Mr. Carson?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2016 ⏰

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