Not Just Roommates (Larry Stylinson One Shot)

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Larry one-shot. (For Ziall_4_life_1021) Warning: Smut

                     "This is a stupid idea." Harry said, popping another Aleve into his mouth and drinking it down with water as he stared at the closed door.

                     It was his first year at Uni, and he stood outside his dormitory, thinking of all the awful room mates he could possibly have. It could be someone who chose all early classes. It could be someone who never showers. Worse, it could be someone with bad music taste.

                     Luckily though, as Harry pushed his key into the knob and twisted, the sound of a familiar Fray song blasted full volume. Harry smiled and took a few more steps inside before who he assumed would be his knew room mate.


                      Wearing a pair of white slippers, ones that looked a tad femine, and a pair of blue boxers, topped off with a baseball tea that was red white and blue, Harry was scared and confused and wondered why he didn't have pants on. Before Harry's imagination could run wild at the crazy boy dancing around, the music ended and the boy turned around.

                     "Hi." Was all he said, and Harry double-checked to make sure he was in the right room before staring down.

                      "Well, i assumed I would be alone for another few hours to unpack. Normally first-years are super late. Never plan ahead." He shook his head, rambling a bit, and Harry was just amazed at how calm yet disorganized the boy seemed to be.

                     "So, unless you expect me to call you Curly for the next 11 months, do you got a name?" Harry was stunned when the cheeky comment was followed by a dazzling smile."

"My names Harry."

"My names Louis."

                     The strange kid with mild adhd met the overly-organized law student, and they clicked instantly.


                    "Shit, Niall, you're so hardcore." Louis teased their mate who had been bragging for a solid ten minutes about how he once stole a pair of shoes.

                    Harry though, always the sensible one, shoook his head, staring with eyes wide at the Irish lad.

                  "Did you return them? Oh my! That is horrible! Illegal!" Harry rambled for a few more minutes, stating all the legal consequences Niall could have had, until he Louis put his hand on his shoulder.

                     "Calm yourself, mate. Have another pint." Louis chuckled, easing Harry's worry as he passed him a beer.

                      As their hands touched, Harry felt a spark. That's all it was. Probably just electricity, neither of the boys gave it any more attention to it, though they did share a glass.

                      By the time Louis got drunk, though, that spark was all he could talk about.

                       "I swear, me and H-haz-" He hiccuped mid-sentence '-We got sparks bitches! If we had sex, it'd be like a fucking explosion! BOOM!"

                       Harry blushed furiously, shaking his head as he tried to explain that Louis was probably just talking crap, the alcohol getting to his brain.

Not Just Roommates (Larry Stylinson One Shot)Where stories live. Discover now