Chapter 1

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Just a quick note, yes there is Spanish in this book but I've made sure that the phrases are all extremely short and are only there for extra emphasis not necessarily to carry the plot line, or for the most part readers have put the translation in the comments next to that section :)

Now, please enjoy!


"Watch out, drunken freshmen coming through." A man shouted giddily as he pushed his way towards the pool where he pitched forward and disappeared under the water. His friends rushed in after him, laughing and dunking each other as they splashed the crowd whom was dancing near the pools edge.

    Music blasted from the speakers and luckily, it drowned out the screams and cries of the drunken college kids swarming around me. Maybe going to a college party during my first night in Florida was a bad idea, but it was a necessity. Almost all of the kids here would be attending my college and since I had only moved here yesterday, I knew relatively no one.

    Well besides my cousins Nicole and Nash. They were fraternal twins who were about as different as a bird and a fish. Nicole was a mature and responsible college freshmen who could party just as hard as anyone. Her long auburn hair was usually thrown up in a messy bun though tonight it hung around her face in natural waves. Her bright hazel eyes rested above high cheekbones and behind long lashes. She was taller than me by at least an two inches and her legs went on for miles which she used to her advantage any chance she got.

    Nash didn't approve of his sisters mostly reserved behavior. He was the party-hard, drink-until-you-pass-out college freshmen who had barely made it into college at all. He had the same auburn hair however it was cut short and spiked. His hazel eyes were a shade duller than his sisters and his figure, though buff and built, was usually slung across a couch or hunched over a laptop. He wasn't the most motivated student, in fact I had yet to see him pick up a text book, yet somehow he retained all A's in his classes.

    It was true that Nicole and Nash couldn't be more different but the one thing they shared in common was their uncanny ability to convince people of almost anything. Which was how I wound up at this party, sitting at the makeshift bar, sipping at a pepsi while everyone else was downing their alcohol like the prohibition had started that morning.

    A drunken kid stumbled into me from behind, causing me to drop my pepsi. The liquid spilled all over the bar, mixing with the alcohol that had already been spilt along the bar's countertop. I shot a glare at the guy who had bumped into me but he was already stumbling away.

    The bartender smiled at me sympathetically and handed me another pepsi. I nodded my thanks and popped the can open. This was going to be an extremely long night.

    "Kimber, what are you doing over here?" I heard the familiar feminine voice of my cousin as she gripped my shoulder and turned me to face her, "I introduced you to Gavin, why aren't you talking to him?"

    I jabbed my thumb in the direction of the young man I had met an hour ago, his mouth now consumed by a pretty young redhead, "He got a little busy."

    Nicole humphed and crossed her arms over her busty chest, "That little prick. He is such a man whore, I swear."

    "Don't worry about it, he wasn't really my type anyways." I responded, taking another swig of my pop as if it would have the same effect as alcohol. Honestly, the fizz of my pepsi was enough for me, "When can we leave?"

    Nicole's heavily makeup covered eyes widened, "Are you serious? We just got here. Come on Kimber, don't you want to interact with your classmates in a stress free environment where you're not pressured to befriend them?"

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