Aphmau- I got up early this morning don't know why just couldn't sleep I watch as the sun rised. I've been really worried about garroth haven't seen him in my dream for awhile hope he is ok...
Laurence- aphmau woke up early again she has been doing this for awhile hope she is ok. Maybe I should go check on her...
"Aphmau are ok your up so early again" said Laurence. "Yea I'm fine just couldn't sleep" said aphmau.
Aphmau- Laurence is here talking to me I don't think he believe I'm ok..
"Aphmau what wrong you can tell me" said Laurence. "It's just I worried about garroth he hasn't appeared in my dreams for awhile I just hope he is ok". Laurence look upset after I told him I was worried about garroth.
Laurence- A-aphmau can I ask you something?
Aphmau- Sure Laurence you can ask me anything.
Laurence- well it just um.. Do you love garroth?
What!! Why would Laurence ask me this so suddenly
Aphmau- well I.. It's just complicated Laurence I just don't know if garroth is the one for me.
Oh my Irene did she just say garroth mite not be the one for me!!!!
Laurence- ohh well then if you don't mind me asking who do you see yourself with?
Aphmau- I would probably see my self with Arron.
What did she just say did she say Arron she has to be joking!!!!
"WHAT" said Laurence, Aphmau started to laugh.
Aphmau- I'm just joking hahah I got you so good hahah
Laurence- that's not funny I really thought you were serious.
Aphmau- haha I'm sorry Laurence but why do you care anyway who I see my self with?
Laurence blushed so hard when I asked him that question and that made me start to blush
Laurence- well it's Just that I was wondering if you see your self with me??
What did Laurence seriously just say that oh no now I'm really blushing maybe even more then him
Aphmau- I... Um
That's the end of chapter one should I write a chapter 2???

One chance- Larmau fanfic
FanfictionThis is a story about to characters that I think should be together they are both from a place called phenix drop and they have a complicated relationship...