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hey (y/n),

I revisited the playlist that you've made for me. there was this one particular song that just kicks me in the stomach. oi! I'm not saying that it's because I don't like it- it just tugged something in me as it pushed me down to memory lane.

oddly, it made me remember about the time when I asked your friends what you liked in a guy. they synchronously said someone who has a good sense of humor; one that would make you laugh all the time. would you believe me if I said that I watched a hundreds of comedy tips just after that moment? I wanted to be prepared every time we would pass each other on the hallway and have our usual daily chats.

so that was it. that was the main reason why I always tried to crack jokes at you whenever I had the chance to. every time I get an entertained reaction from you, I would mentally praise myself. I would watch you scrunch your nose while mindlessly laughing your heart out. 

but you know what? instead of making you like me... I was the one who fell for you even more. I loved how your eyes would be curved upwards along with your mouth as you snickered. I loved how you would playfully punch me on the shoulder and spat corny comebacks in return.

I love the way you make me adore you so much even until this very moment

and I know this will never change, (y/n)

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