A look into the future

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A/N: Okay yea so this is sort of like an AU for Harry Potter, but also sort of not really. Basically Hermione uses her time turner to look ahead in life cause she has a feeling that shits about to go down. Yea go read it now k bye


Hermione Granger had a feeling that things were going to change, but she hadn't really known how. So, when she thought that after saving Serious, it would have been a good idea to look ahead, she really wished that she hadn't.

The first time she visited was fifth year. The hall she appeared in was deserted. Hermione turned the corner and nearly ran into a stoud woman dressed in nothing but pink. She was quite short and looked rather like a toad. 

"Do watch where you are going!" She said, giving Hermione a stern look before waddling off to some other part of the castle. Before Hermione could think of where to go, another person came down the corridor. It was Harry. Except that this was fifth year Harry. He had grown much taller since third year, and he seemed much more grown up. At least, he did to Hermione.

Hermione quickly dashed behind a suite of armour, but she feared that she hadn't been quick enough. Harry had stopped dead in his tracks, and was looking at the spot Hermione dissapeared to with a confused look on his face. hermione held her breath, silently pleading that Harry would keep walking.

After a moment, Harry shook his head and rubbed his eyes in a tired sort of way. He contenued to walk, but before he could take more than a few steps, fifth year Ron hobbled around the corner.

Hermione barely concealed a gasp-- Ron had grown almost two feets since his third year at Hogwarts, and he seemed to have a prefect badge stuck to his robes, which Hermione honestly couldn't believe.

Ron looked suddenly surprised, and Hermione thought he had seen her, but he seemed to be more upset at meeting Harry. He muttered an awkard greeting and tried -unsuccesfully- to hide a broomstick behind his back. Upon meeting Ron, Harry immediately shoved his right hand behind his back, out of sight. 

While Harry and Ron were talking, Hermione made to slip past them and into the next corridor, but something on Harry's hand caught her eye. She squinted, trying to get a closer look without revealing herself. She noticed that Harry was bleeding, but it was in a peculiar pattern. After a moment she realized that a sentence had been carved into his hand-- 'I must not tell lies.' She closed her eyes, feeling sick.

What teacher- it had to be a teacher, no Hogwarts student would do that, not even Malfoy- would use that as a punishment? What would Harry even do to deserve that as a punishment? While Hermione was busy pondering, she didn't notice that Harry and Ron had left. SHe quickly pulled out her time turner and fiddled with the dial before Filch, or anybody else for that matter, could find her.

This time Hermione was in her sixth year, but she appeared to be in the muggle world. The muggle world was in chaos. Bridges were collapsing, families were dropping dead with no explanation. The park she had grown up at was completely deserted, and appeared to have been that way for a while. Confused, and a little heartbroken, Hermione turned the dial on her time turner again, eager to get out of the dreary place, but not sure if the wizarding world would be better. 

Hermione was still in sixth year, but this time she was back at Hogwarts. She quickly rushed down a corridor and entered the first classroom that she found. She stiffled a gasp as she walkin in on sixth year Ron snogging a sixth year Lavender Brown. They were so engulfed in one another that neither of them noticed as the door opened,  nor did they notice the door shutting behind Hermione as she bolted down the corridor and into the next, nearly running into Harry and Ginny snogging.

She quickly turned around, running back the way she came. Luckily, Harry nor Ginny had noticed her. Hermione pulled out her time turner again and again fiddled with the dial. This time, the change was drastic.

Hogwarts had been blown to peices. People-students and teachers alike- were al running about, casting spells at lighting speed. Spells were flying back at them from people in masks. There was rubble everywhere. Hermione struggled to get out of the fray, nearly tripping over a sixth year Colin Creevey. She didn't want to think about what his blank, glassy stare had meant. She ran past the charms classroom as a jet of green light struck Fred Weasley, sending him tumbling to the ground where he lay unmoving.

Before she could go any further, a high, cold voice sounded over the castle. Everything quieted down to listen, making it louder as it echoed across the remaining hallways.

"You have fought valiently,' it said. Hermione covered her ears, trying to block out the sound of vibrated through her ears. 

"Lord Voldemort knows how to falue true bravery. Yet, you have sustained heavy losses. If you contenue to resist me, you will all die. I do not wish for this to happen. Every drop of magical blood spilled is a loss and a waste." At the mention of Lord Voldemort, Hermione's breath hitched in her throat. She didn't have very long to think about it as the voice contenued.

"Lord Voldemort is merciful. I command my forces to retreat immediately. You have one hour. Dispose of your dead with dignity. Treat your injured." All around the castle and the grounds there were sounds of people and other creatures moving, leaving.

"I speak now, Harry Potter, directly to you. You have permitted your friends to die for you rather than face me yourself.  I shall wait for one hour in the forbidden forest...' Hermione stopped listening and instead ran to the castle entrance. She tried hard not to listen, but the booming voice demanded to be heard.

"..Given yourself up... Enter the fray myself.... Kill every man, child, and woman..."

Hermione reached the entrance to the castle, and she ran ouside to the grounds. Turning around, she looked at the castle that she loved. Hogwarts truely looked defeated. The windows had been smashed and the astronamy tower was  gone. The whole west wing of the castle had been completley crushed.

"One hour." The high, cold voice finished, and in its place form and even more deafening silence. Hermione closed her eyes against the tears that threatened to spill over.

She wondered if she was somewhere in the castle, amongst the fray of flying spells. She wondered if she was even alive, or if she was being collected, along with everyone else; she wondered if she became just another casualty of war.

With trembling hands, Hermione pulled out her time turner and turned the dial back. When she next opened her eyes, she was back in her dormitory during her third year, where she belonged. She sank onto her four-poster bed, images of what's to come still churning in her mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2013 ⏰

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