We The Kings - July 7th, 2013 - Atlanta

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So me and my friend Alissa arrived at the venue around 4:00, two hours before doors. We were pretty far up in line, but not anything close to being like the 3rd person there or whatever. We hung around. Saw Charles Trippy. I had a mini heart attack. Keep It Cute was walking around alot, handing out flyers for their new single. Keep It Cute is pretty dang cute.  We also talked to a girl in line who was at the same WTK/Mayday Parade show in Alabama last year as I was. Then a bit later we met up with two of my friends from middle school and we talked for the remainder of time until doors opened. We ran over to Colesby and got M&G. Honestly, I wouldn’t be terribly worried about them selling out. Just get there as early as you can/want to and I’m sure they’ll be some left. They were 40$ but they might lower to get more people to come. They have a sign but I have a feeling not a whole ton of people knew about it beforehand and/or weren’t interested. We got down in the actual stage area. There was a decent amount of people sitting in the seats (parents, adults, etc) and maybe 150-200 standing. So it was still pretty small, but a good crowd actually. Everyone was really short. Alissa and I are both 5ft 4in and we were some of the taller people there. Maybe The Ready Set caters to younger fans....idk. I would say WTK too but most of their fans were older. The first show I saw them at was mainly adults. 

Keep It Cute was first. They came out, had a good set. I don’t know their music too well, but they did a cover of Wanted by Hunter Hayes and it was absolute perfection. Then it was time for The Ready Set. I know two or three of their songs, but they were also rather adorable and fun. Jordan was wearing a high school drama t-shirt and had on jeans that were so tight ooohhhmmmyyy. I enjoyed them. 7/10 would see again. Then it was time for Breathe Carolina. I knew the two main guys and a couple of their songs. I’d just never gotten into them. But I did not expect what happened at alll. They are this really cool combo of dance-techno-metal that really worked well.   Kyle was in the crowd right as their set started, but I couldn’t get a good look at him until he was practically on top of me holding a mike. The crowd went NUTS. Kyle is a very brave man, lol! He did it again and I got to hold his arm. (idk but there’s something cool about a band member holding your hand or being able to touch them) They did an amazing cover of Billie Jean by MJ and it was SO SO good. They had some sick lighting and it was all techo and i swear to God, they had a guy on keyboard/guitar who was a combination of the actor Zachary Quinto and Josh Ramsay from Marianas Trench. He was pretty cute. ALSO, props to Yoshi for helping set up all four bands. THEN IT WAS WTK TIME MAN. We had gotten shoved pretty far back, but we were determined to get closer up. They had some kickass lighting, lemme tell ya. 

The lights dimmed. The intro music started playing. And there they were. On stage in front of me. I’ve seen them twice before and each time it gets better and better. It was like magic. These five men who have done so much for me and other people I love were standing only a few feet away. It was wonderful. They started with Find You There (it was nice to hear actually how many people knew the words to the new songs.) After a song or two they played this beautiful cover of Stay by Rihanna. It was just Coley and Trav on stage. I could’ve died right there. One thing I’ve always thought Trav has been really good at is interacting with the audience. He talks to us, we laugh, he tells us we’re sexy. It’s great. There’s no dick jokes coughalltimelowcough but he is truly so great up there. We The Kings, no matter who/where you are, is a fantastic live band. Scoot then picked a girl to go on a “date” with Trav while he sang Friday is Forever and it SO FREAKING CUTE. He gave her a flower and they sat at this little table and chairs with a candle and wine glasses and they danced together and then Trav kissed her on the cheek AND IT WAS SO SWEET. Their faces were within like two inches of each other. I wish it was me but whatever. And at that point in time, I had reached the barrier (EEEEHHHHH) Well it was behind the first row of people but STILL. I’ve never been up that close before. Danny did a kickbutt drum solo. He is ridiculously talented. They then did a medley of songs from self-titled and it was so perfect. They used Stay Young (AKA one of my favorite WTK songs ever) I saw Alli in the wings! It was only for a second but it was still prettty cool. They played my personal least favorite WTK song, Party, Fun, Love, & Radio either before or after the medley. I honestly can’t remember. Heaven Can Wait was perfect. She Takes Me High was amazing. Skyway Avenue was so much fun. This isn’t the order in which they occurred but I can’t remember it exactly. They then blacked out the lights and they left the stage. We consequently shouted We The Kings over and over again. They came back out and played Say You Like Me, Just Keep Breathing, and then Check Yes. I’m so glad they switched it back to last. Overall, it was perfect. I couldn’t have asked for a better view because everyone was so short (SORRY LOL.) No pick or drumstick or setlist, but I didn’t care too much because MEET AND GREET. They sent us out to the lobby/merch area for a few minutes. And praise the Lord Praise Jesus Hallelujah, they had free, ice-cold water. Last time I payed 6 bucks for a water. We got in and I had bit of a talk with Scott. I asked if Lauren had made it in, he looked at me funny so I said “Charles’ mother-in-law” and he was like “wait, no Alli’s mom is here.” And I was like >.<

I said it again and he was like OH YEAH. He was super super nice though. At first he pretended that he had no idea why we were there. Overall, he was really nice, told us he was getting the guys and they should be out in five. Then my heart really started racing. Alissa and I were so so excited. I had sort of practiced what I was going to tell them. Scott/Scooter/Scoot started the line from where we were. Two groups were ahead of us. (i’m getting butterflies just talking about it...) Then they walked out. It was entirely surreal, yet kind of not. I’m to the stage where I’ve realized that they're real people just like you and I, they just have the best job in the world. But still, it’s a rush meeting the five man who have quite literally changed your life. We got up there, I gave Scott my phone, and so began the hug-fest. I hugged my boy Travis, then Charles, then Hundo, then Coley, and then Danny. Travis told me I was a good hugger. I accidentally bumped Coley on the exit from the hug and we both apologized AND WHAT A SWEET MAN HE IS AN ANGEL. Then my boo Danny was all like “what’s kicken chicken.” And I looked at him and said, straight up, “this band has changed my life.” I then moved over to Trav, giving him my ticket to start signing. I then took a deep breath, looked at Charles in the eyes, and said “My friend Sarah, @sarahlnicole on twitter, she has struggled with self-harm for some time. And  you DMd her about a month ago, so since then she has been clean.. He was really excited, saying how awesome that is. (can we just talk about how humble and lovely Charles always is.) I told Charles that they’ll be seeing her soon at a concert, and without a second of hesitation, Trav looked at me and said “August 18th.” Not even a question. He knew. I was so surprised and said “You know her?!?!?” (ps I always knew he did it was just crazy to hear him say it.) And he was like, well not personally, but I know of her. I love her. And as he was signing my ticket he said “how about I write a message for her” and I was told him how much she would absolutely love that. I then mentioned S-Curve, once again confirming their departure from the label, and I just let them know how wonderful’s it’s been to see them do so well and how proud I was. Once again, I looked right at Trav and said “this band has changed my life.” He responded with something along the lines of, “well you guys have changed our lives as well.” I think I might’ve hugged him again. They all signed my ticket and it was time for the picture. And I kid you not, Trav looked at me and said “you’re so excited I just want to be next to you all the time” And we got in position, but that boy was still writing something on my paper and Danny came over to my side to even it all out. And of course Scott wanted to move it along and was counting reallllly slowly for Trav. We got three pictures with them, some videos from the show, and an absolutely perfect night. It was pure bliss being with them. I know people say this about a lot of bands, but they are truly so kind and so nice and so lovely. Nothing over the top. No rude comments. Just five regular guys. Travis and Danny in particular are amazing with fans. Right before we started, a little girl yelled hi to Danny and he looked back and said “Hi beautiful!!!” I smiled at him and I’m pretty sure he looked back at me. Alissa and I had so much fun and were so excited. I hugged Travis either two or three times, but I walked away smelling like him and we were both smiling like idiots. I can’t wait to see them again. I love and adore those men and the music they make and their personalities. I am so, so proud to call myself a fan of We The Kings. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2013 ⏰

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We The Kings - July 7th, 2013 - AtlantaWhere stories live. Discover now