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I knew they were close by. Grinning, I slammed my hoof on the ground, summoning my titanium armor which slowly crawled over my red and gray coat, until my whole body was protected. Holding out my hoof, a jagged, black-on-silver, mini scythe materialized in it, automatically chained to my shin. "Now I'm ready." Swinging the scythe around my head, shadowy enemies started fading from being invisible into extremely clear to see, just to fade out again. "Heartbeat Radar!" To my surprise, they didn't show up. However, it didn't matter, as I had prepared for this. "Remember the name, Rogue. It's the last you'll ever hear." With the sound of metal hitting metal, I swiped my scythe close to the ground knocking all of the enemies down, as rainbow colored blood spilled out. "Why would she send her minions after me..." I had to find out what was wrong, so I headed towards Cloudsdale. Walking into Cloudsdale's famous Rainbow Factory, I found Rainbow Dash filling robots with Rainbow juice. Under my breath I briefly stated, "That's why they wouldn't show up on my radar..." In a louder voice, I spoke directly to Dash, "So...what was all that about, huh?!" Turning around, she smiled sweetly while speaking, "Oh hey, babe! I was just testing out a new machine I found while stealing away in Twilight's library! It memorizes an enemy's maneuvers, and transfers the information to the other robots. They, in turn, adapt to those attacks making it harder to beat them!" I showed how thrilled I was with a frown and a few heartfelt words, "Babe? Hardly." Prodding up to me, she pressed her body against mine, "Oh cmon! Aren't you proud of me?!" With an even deeper frown, I gave her my reply, "Oh of course I am! I absolutely love being randomly ambushed by rainbow colored robots that adapt to my attacks...while I'm on vacation!" She frowned at my comment while moving back to her robots, "Fine! Be that way! I...I just thought you'd be a little more optimistic. While I was in there I found this..." She held up a necklace, which shined in four shades - Light pink, light blue, dark blue, and red. At the sight of the object, one large tear formed in my eyes, and as I spoke, only a whisper came out, "Keep it. And don't lose it." In turn, I bolted out of Cloudsdale, as fast as I could, hoping to find a place to seclude myself. Finally, I found a dark hole where I could sit and think. In my frustration, I fired a glowing bright red fireball out of my previously invisible orb, floating above my head. "Why would she show me that necklace...anything but that..." Off in the distance, I heard a loud, high-pitched scream. In fear of someone being hurt, I dashed out of the hole, and made my way towards the sound. On my way, I saw Octavia running speedily towards the town, leaving a trail of clear tears behind her. In an attempt to find the source of the problem, I dropped down right in front of her, preventing her from running any further. "Octavia! What's wrong?" She replied in a sad voice, "It's Vinyl! I found her, colorless and markless, laying on the ground after a huge concert! I don't know what to do, say, or think!" Right after Octavia finished her brief overview of the situation, a shrill scream was heard from Celestia's royal castle in Canterlot. Knowing something terrible must've happened, I left Octavia behind, and shot like a bullet towards the castle. I burst through the doors, to find that the same plague that Octavia had described, had found itself taking over both Luna's and Celestia's bodies. They both lay there, without a single drop of color, and their cutie marks nowhere to be seen or found. "Hehehe. No one thought I'd ever be this powerful." A gruff voice spoke from the shadows, but revealed himself a moment later. His fur was bright orange and yellow, flaring out like flames off of the sun. He shined like the moon and all the stars in the sky. His cutie mark was a YinYang symbol consisting of Celestia's mark and Luna's mark. In the middle was a musical symbol, and slowly appearing in the middle of that was a rainbow colored lightning bolt. As it slowly appeared, the stallion produced Dash's body, without color, without a cutie mark, without any sign of life. At the sight, I crumbled on the inside, "What have you done, Sol?!" He replied with his magnificent voice, "You know your Gods quite well, young one." Anger slowly rose inside of me, "You aren't a God. Gods are immortal!" At that, I brought my scythe in a sweeping circle that cut through him, but healed split seconds after the incision was made. He frowned in agitation, "I have no time for you." Raising his hoof slightly, I was slung against a wall by an unknown force.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2013 ⏰

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