Of all people...

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"What are you doing here?" Makishima asked his black-haired rival when they accidentally met up at 2am in the kitchen of the dorm they were both staying at. "I could ask you the same thing, Maki-chan!" Toudou whispered back "At least I'm not here to steal food, unlike you!" He pointed at the couple of snack bars and sandwiches the green-haired high schooler had laid out on the counter. "What's up with that? Are you taking this without permission?" Makishima paused for a second, not sure if he should trust him with the truth. "So what if I am? What's it to you? Can you please just ignore me for once in your life." He sighed as he tried to walk past the shorter boy, but Toudou quickly grabbed his arm. "Hey, Maki-chan, what are you trying to do! You know you can't pass me that easy." He smirked and Makishima rolled his eyes in annoyance. "I told you to stop calling me that." He wiggled his arm but Toudou's grip wouldn't loosen. "And I would never ignore you, we're friends! Tomorrow we should-" "Shut up!" Makishima hissed as he poked Toudou in his sides. "If someone catches us here, we'll definitely be punished. We were not allowed to walk around after 10 under any circumstances." Somewhere above them a door suddenly creaked, and the sound of footsteps descending increased. Both second-year students looked at each other for a split second before dashing through the kitchen, and sitting down behind the counter. An instant later the kitchen door swung wide open. "Anyone there?" The following silence made their hearts race as if they were racing each other. Toudou moved his head to the edge of the counter to see if the resident owner was still there, but Makishima pulled him back before he could even glance and he put his finger on his lips to silently tell his friend to shut the fuck up. After what seemed like forever, the man's feet started to move away.

"That was close..." Makishima whispered more to himself than to Toudou, but he answered anyway. Loudly. "I know, hahaha! I thought he would never lea-" Makishima's hand slammed over the obnoxious' mouth, but it was too late. "He can still hear us, you idiot!" They jumped up, and despirately tried to look for a better hiding spot. "In here!" Toudou waved for Makishima to hurry while holding open the small door of a low cupboard. The tall boy didn't like the 'small cramped place' option, but at this point he agreed it was the only one they had. He crawled in headfirst, and laid down on his back as far into it as possible, to make room for Toudou. "You okay?" Makishima blinks a few times to get his eyes used to the darkness, and he sees the other boy staring at him with a slightly worried look on his face. Toudou had crawled over him on all fours. "Hm." Makishima replied. He didn't like cramped spaces. His hair was twisted all over his face but he didn't want to stop supporting the ceiling in order to fix it. His fingertips could barely touch the wood above him, but he still tried to push it further away. Usually he would start to panic in situations like this, but he calmed down a bit as he felt Toudou squeeze his shoulder. For now it was enough to know someone was there. Especially Toudou, since he was basically the only person to know about this issue. 

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