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"Dad!" I yelled from down the hall.

"Yeah?" He hollered back.

"I'm heading down too the beach with mahogany!" Me and mahogany smiled at each other.

"Okay be safe and call every couple hours! Mahogany I'll tell your mom you are staying the night!" He came too the top of the stairs and smiled.

"Okay thank you uncle David." We all smiled. Oh yeah I forgot too mention mahogany lox is my cousin. Yeah her mom is my dads sister. I'm so great full for her being here. We have always been close so having her here made it easier to adjust.

"Ready!?!" I nodded and giggled.

We grabbed our penny boards and started riding.

"On our way too the beach! Maybe I'll meet a couple fans!" Mahogany snap chatted and I giggled waving.

Oh yeah and also mahogany is in a viner group called magcon I think. So let's just say we see at least 1 fan every time we go out.

"Hey do you mind if I invite a couple people and we can have a bonfire?" She smiled.

"Umm yeah why not" I smiled looking from the ocean to her.

We finally made it too a fire pit and I laid my towel out and laid down.

"Hey when's all your friends coming?" I sat up on my elbows too see her.

"They should be..." Mahogany got cut off by a loud group of boys and one girl.

"I would assume that's them" she nodded and we both giggled.

Damn mahogany's friends were.. I don't even know but they were beyond good looking.

"Okay everyone this is Sarah my cousin. She's new here so be nice." She smiled at them.

"Hi I'm Cameron." A brunette boy smiled at me and I swear he was the best looking one out of all of them I couldn't stop starring.

"And that's J and G, well jack and jack but we call them by last names, and that's Matt, Sammy, Nash, Shawn, and Madison." He smiled at me.

"Hi everyone it's nice too meet all of you" and they all said hello too me.

"Well let's go party!" Nash yelled. They all cheered. And ran into the water.

I stayed by the towels and coolers with Sam and Cameron.

"So Sarah.. Got a boyfriend?" Sammy smirked at me.

"Sam come on dude." Cameron rolled his eyes.

"No it's okay. And no I don't." I smiled sweetly.

"And you're 17?" Once again Sam smirked. You can tell he's a flirt but he's funny.

"Yeah I'm 17 turning 18 in a week" I giggled and Cameron smiled at me.

"Sweet so that means mahogany is most likely gonna throw her bomb ass parties cam!" Sam and Cameron high fived and chuckled.

"I'm gonna go in the water wanna go with me?" Cameron put his hand out for me.

"Yeah why not." I grabbed his hand and we laughed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2016 ⏰

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