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Black surrounded me.

I couldn't move, but I could feel and hear everything. The wind coming into the room, the cold table under my back, ropes on my arms and legs holding me down. The loud beeping noises coming from machines, the door opening and closing. A man's voice echoed inside my head. I couldn't tell if it was close or far away

A couple of minutes have past and another man comes into hearing distance of me. They started talking about cutting and replacing things. They didn't care if I was listening to the whole conversation that they're having. The door opened and closed once more and then the pain began. A knife cut into me, just above my heart. I could feel hand going into my body at the incision they made. I wanted to scream out to the person to stop, but I couldn't, my throat feeling sore, tight and dry. Then the pain worsened.

I woke up again, with an immense pain in my chest and head. Bright white lights invaded my vision. I sat up slowly but the pain shot threw my whole body. The door open and a man with a pure white lab coat and almost as white hair came in.

"Oh good, you're awake." He said with a sarcastic tone.

"Who are you?"

He didn't answer my question he just walked to the back of the room, witch was also an angle-like white not a speck of dust on anything. Which wasn't much, just a bed that I'm occupying, a small, circular table to my left, and two chairs against the wall straight ahead.

He stopped at the chairs and faced one toward me He sat down, brought a needle out of his pocket and showed it to me. It was filled with a green-pink liquid.

"This is what we put into your blood stream, for the first few day or so you'll start to feel different." He said

"What kind of different, who are you, where am I..." I tried to get all the question that where in my head out of my mouth but my brain was faster than speech.

"Calm down MoMo..." he tried but failed at calming me down. How are you supposed to be calm when a strange man, you never seen before knows not just a name, but a nickname that only your closest friends and family know?

"How do you know my name!?" I was starting to panic and I didn't like it.

"Like I said calm down. To get answers to your question, you must calm down first." I listened and calmed down but not completely. I was still left in the dark of knowing the light that seemed to be all over him.

"Okay, now to answer your second question of who I am. I'm Dr. Blenkin and that is what you, a test subject, should call me."

"Test subject? What does that mean?" I interjected

"The more I go on the more questions you'll get, so save all questions till the end okay? Okay. Now the reason I know your name is, me and my associates have been watching you..."

I wanted to say that he was crazy, that he was mad, but I knew, I wouldn't get the answers to the questions that were driving me mad.

"We've been studying you since you were old enough to qualify, so about five years. We studied your habits, how you acted with friend and family, learned things, secrets you would never tell anyone that you just met, nicknames being one of those secrets. Even though you never seen us we've seen you, we've bumped into you on the streets to see how you'd react. It was all research, for what exactly, I can't tell you. In time you'll find out where you're at, because again I can't tell you exactly.

"Next I'll answer is the one you never asked and the answer is, what's in this needle is Periclum, how do I say this, it is basically keeping you alive..."

Again I had so many question but couldn't ask them

He continued "we'll inject this in to the place where you heart would be..."

And that is when, for first time since I woke up, I noticed the stillness of my heart, the usual thump of it was gone filled with stillness, but wasn't your heart the thing supposed to keep you alive, if I don't have one shouldn't I be dead. I couldn't hold in the question so I just asked,

"If I don't have I heart shouldn't I be dead?" the fear in my voice clear to hear.

I was mad at him for doing this to me, then concerned about what he could do to me at the moment. I want him to leave but at the same time I didn't, one, because I don't do good on my own and two, all the new questions I have will probably never be answered.

He then stood up and said, "Someone will come and give you food three times a day, in two days you start with the next injection of Periclum, there are some close in the closet, if you ever need anything there is a button next to the door in time you'll find out the rest."

With that he left and I was alone once again.

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