Country love

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One day a cowboy was sleeping, and this cowboy's name was Tyler. But a knock at the front door is what woke him up. But when it woke him up Tyler thought who would be out here in the middle of nowhere at this hour, Tyler lived 2 miles away from town. So Tyler stood up threw just a pair of pants on his boots and grabbed his gun and walked to the door, but there wasn't anyone at the door, so tyler walks outside and into the back by the gate. And at the gate stood at beautiful young lady, and she was petting one of the horses. So Tyler put away his gun and walked towards the girl asking if he could help her with anything, and the girl said she needed a place to stay and tyler offered her to give her a ride to town or she could stay with him for the night. And she said she would stay with him.

While walking back towards the house tyler says his name and the girl says hers which was tristan. And tyler then says if you don't mind me asking but why are you in the middle of nowhere, and she replied I want to start a new life. So Tyler not wanting to be nosey just said oh I understand.

So Tyler and tristan make if back to the house and they go in and sit at the table and tyler gets her something to drink, and while she's drinking he goes and puts a shirt on. He comes back and tell her to make herself at home and that he needs to go to work. So while tyler was herding the cattle up he thought about 3 things and 3 things only and that was how beautiful tristan was, where she came from and why was she out here.

Tyler decided to just quit work early and go back home, so he did. But when he got home he noticed that somethings were moved around and he asked tristan about it and she said she got bored so tyler asked if she wanted to go ride horses for a while and she agreed so they did. While riding tyler talked to her more and learned a little more about her.

It was getting late so they decided to go home and eat dinner. After they was done eating tyler gave tristan a lamp and showed her to her room, tristan went to the room and blew the lamp out and went to bed. Tyler on the other hand couldn't get to sleep because he thought and night about tristan.

The next morning Tyler got up and done the usual and went to work. But since he finished early he went home, and when he went home he noticed that tristan made breakfast so he sat down at the table and ate and talked to her. Tyler then asked if she would like a ride to town to the motel, and tristan asked if it would be okay if she stayed there for another night. And tyler said yes, but he had to go to town to get stuff anyways. Tristan rode to town with him, and on the way back from spending time in town, tyler noticed it'd be getting dark soon so tyler went home and they both sat on the porch.

Tristan noticed it was getting late so she decided to go to bed she stood up and so did tyler and tristan went over to tyler and kissed him and said good night. Tristan went to bed but tyler didn't, because he stayed up thinking about how beautiful she was and that kiss. And tyler thought and he began to notice that he was growing feelings for her like strong ones.

So Tyler then just let's her start living there, tyler and tristan began to grow stronger feelings for eachother. Tyler one day had the thought of marrying her, so he went and bought her a ring. And one night tyler pulled the ring out of his pocket got on one knee and asked her to marry him, tristan says yes and tyler stands up kisses her and hugs her and says I love you.

Tyler and Tristan began to love eachother a lot. And one day Tristan had the idea of adopting a child, and so they did she adopted a little boy and they named him Damon. And after a while Tristan and Tyler both wanted to have one of their own so they did and they gave birth to a healthy little girl and they named her Elizabeth.

Over the years Damon wanted to be like his dad. So one day for his 13th birthday tyler went out and got him and gun for his birthday. He brought the gun in from the barn in a box and gave it to him, Damon opened it and asked if it was his, and tyler said if you want to be a cowboy you have to have a gun. So Damon began to become more like his dad and help more and more. One day it was Elizabeth's 13th birthday and on a few days before one of the horses have birth to a black and white Pony, and Elizabeth always wanted a horse so for her birthday tyler gave it to her, and she named it oreo.

One day it was Tyler and Tristans anniversary and tyler went out and bought her flowers, but there was something else as well, tyler came back with a box and gave it to tristan but the box had holes in it and when tristan opened it there was a puppy, and tristan loved this puppy and she decided to name it Spot.

Tyler and Tristan started to grow older and so did the kids. The kids moved away and Tyler and Tristan still loved eachother more than anything in the world. Tyler and Tristan was eventually going to die together of old age, so they was going to spend the rest of their lives with eachother. So they did and well eventually they do, both of them both grow old together and die together by only a minute apart. The moral of this story is love is a powerful bond, it has its rough spots but they always get worked out, you cannot ever break the power of love.


Tristan what I'm trying to say is I love you more than anything and I want to spend the rest of my life with the girl I love so much.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2016 ⏰

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