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Canterbury, England

It all started with a whisper

A whisper between two good friends in a small village where nothing took place. A whisper that began spreading rumors. A whisper that brought rage, deception, and lies into the equation.

A whisper that coaxed death.

Wait, I'm getting ahead of myself here. Let me introduce myself first, I'm Elizabeth Maryanne.

I lived in the 1600's in a small cottage. My family hated me, and no one would be my friend. It was a depressing time for me, but I managed to stay alive.

The only thing that I really had, was a red bow that my mother gave to me before her passing. I've kept it on for years, only taking it off when I needed to bathe.

My mother was not the nicest person in the village, but she had friends. My mother was very beautiful. A walking god per say. Even though we were not rich, her personality was gold. All I asked in life was for a person to love me, and My Mother answered that prayer.

Like I said before, whispers are easily found in our little village. Because of my mothers striking beauty, Women envied her. They would tell their spouses that she was evil. That she had sorcery in her blood. That she was inhuman.

I always told my Mother to watch her back, to stay alert. She would always give me a genuine laugh and retort back in her velvety voice.

"Nothing will happen to me, my dear."

I always believed this to be true. My mother was not just beautiful, but strong too. She could handle many Women and Men, but sadly she could not handle a village.

One night, I was fast asleep in my bed, when I heard screaming. I ran out of my room to see three men carrying my Mother outside. She was thrashing in their arms, and I knew that I couldn't do nothing against them.

The men carried my mother outside and tied her to a nearby tree. A crowd already formed outside carrying pitchforks and torches. I thought about running outside to try to save her, but what would an Eight year old do against a crowd full of adults with weapons.

I decided to run out of the house and to a nearby shrub, so no one would see me. I had a clear view of my Mother. She was violently kicking her feet at everyone that came near her. She screamed and screamed the words "Untie me!" Over and over again.

A buff man strutted over there to her. He smirked and brought the torch dangerously close to my Mother's face. She screamed in fear, knowing that if the fire touched her face then it would be all over.

"If you want to be untied, do it yourself by using your witch powers!" He yelled.

My mother scowled and starting thrashing again. "I'm not a witch you bastard!" She retorted.

He gave her one last look, then turned on his heels. He walked to a group of buff men and said the words that I never wanted to hear.

"Light 'er up boys."

And with that, my Mother's screams were cutting through the air.

Why am I telling you this story?

Simple, because this similar tale happened to me. I was burned in my own home. The same people who killed my Mother attempted to kill me too, and succeeded.

Why did they kill me though?

Well people make assumptions. We don't know why they do it, they just do. Maybe they're afraid of the unknown. The people in my village thought that I had connections.

Not just you're regular connection, but connections with the Devil.

Yes, Lucifer himself.

I honestly thought this was a little crazy. But the people in my village thought it was normal.

Before I was set ablaze, they tied me to my bed for a while to interrogate me about my knowledge of a Witch. While being tied, a huge man took my Red Bow from my head. He made fun of it, saying it was "hideous and dirty."

This enraged me, and I accidently called him a name that I can now never forget.

"You Bastard!"

His mouth dropped and his eyes turned darker than ever. He took the torch that was hanging on the wall and threw it on me, letting the fire burn my nose and cheeks. The fire engulfed my whole body before I knew it.

Burning flesh surrounded my already burned nostrils. Pain shot through my body so much. I couldn't take it, I couldn't even talk. All I could do was scream. The smoke clouded my brain until a thought suddenly occurred.

"That man is gone, and so is my beloved red bow."

All my pain subsided and Rage took its place.

"Those villagers took everything from me! They took my Mother, and now they take the only thing I have of her!" My thoughts screamed.

Suddenly, I remembered what started this whole thing.

I did exactly what my thoughts told me to do. The fire burned most of the flesh off my body, and I was pretty sure the cottage was on fire ,but I didn't care anymore.

I could feel my soul fading away from my body, but I continued my duty.

Finally, I closed my eyes and peace was made.

I smiled slowly, knowing I had just placed a curse on myself and that Red Bow.

I would be able to wake up in four-thousand years, and be able to find my Red Bow. I would be able to seek revenge on the grand-children of those villagers. I would do anything i can.

With those very last thoughts, I slipped away. The fire creating a warm feeling for me. I felt myself rising away. I knew where I was heading, so I glanced down one last time at my body, before rising away from the blazing cottage.

Now reader, you know my story. You know I'm not seeking revenge just to do it, but I'm doing it for many reasons known.

Now reader, It has Been four-thousand years. Yes, I am still the age of thirteen, but I am in a new body. Since the last one was burned so badly.

Now reader, this is where our story begins.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2016 ⏰

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