So. You're here, reading these words, off this page. I guess that means you want a story, preferably with fantastical adventures and swashbuckling pirates, treasure and all that? Well too bad. This story isn't exciting, it definitely DOES NOT have any pirates in it(no matter how swashbuckly they think they might be), and lastly- this story has absolutely nothing to do with cats. I can promise you that much. But I'll tell you what this story does have: a little bit of awkward teenage romance, maybe a little bit of my ass ( okay... a lot of my ass), stupid faced jerks, a princess, some hilarious sounds from the band hall, a nerdy theatre teacher, and absolutely under no circumstances will there be cats in this book. Ever.
Now that you know what to expect from this.. umm... This... I forgot the word.... No, no. Don't tell me, I've got it. DEAD TREE THINGY WITH WORDS IN IT. That's it, way to go Piper... Making friends left and right...
Can we just skip to the part where I make out with my crush already?
Fine... Just... Turn the damn page already and start reading. Geez.