When I was young, I had to move to Japan because of some circumstantial issues which had to do with my behaviour. There it was like my life was reset and I tried my best to study, make friends, learn their language and their culture. I really did. Studying at a prestigious school was hard, but fun. I become close to my friends quickly and everyone knew me as kurokami because of my dark black hair with seemed to shine. It was normal. At least at the beginning it was. A month after I had transferred, there was an incident that no one dared to talk about. It was taboo. It all began with the death of a boy in year 7. His death was decided that it was a suicide and nothing more. "Maybe the cause was a severe form of bullying," they said. However that was a mistake. After a year, on the day the boy died, another boy from the same year was found dead and another and another, until a total of 7 boys died on the 7th of July. Seeing as the victims were from the same year, died on the same day, the police began to investigate and even the prime minister got involved, but no clues were found. With no options left, they stopped the case for a while and searched the school building on the 7th of July. 20 policemen were sent to search the place on that day. None of them were ever seen again. Soon rumours started to spread: ‘the dead boy came back and killed the other boys’. ‘The school is cursed’. ‘You can hear the cries of the victims who died if you go there.’ ‘It’s the gateway to the underworld.’ The school’s reputation was ruined. All the students in year 7 and most of the students from all years transferred schools. The school was later known as shisha no tochi, the land of the dead. The case was later named NANA (seven) and left unsolved. The school was forced to close down, but my life at that school was still not over. Even now I continue to walk through the corridors, going in and out of classrooms with books in my arms. I continue and continue every day and I will forever so that I may be able to pass judgement on the guilty and set the innocent free. A duty which has been placed onto me, the first who died.