Peace, Love, Bieber (Justin Bieber Story)

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                    "So, your point?" I asked my best friend Cece who was basically bouncing off the walls in excitment. I observed my pink manicured nails.

                 "My point is, that we can go to the concert and become the one less lonely girl. Justin will then marry one of us and BOOM! We're rich." Cece said enthusiastically. I rolled my eyes and tucked a lock of brown curly hair behind my ear.

               "As if that will ever happen." I muttered under my breath. She looked at me, her head tilted.

             "What was that?" she asked. She found some chocolate chip cookies in my cabinet dipped it in milk until it got soggy and mushy.

             "Oh, nothing." I replied, taking a chocolate chip cookie. I rolled it in my hands before eating it. She suddenly looked depressed as she dropped a cookie in the glass of milk. It made a "plopping" sound.

            "You don't want to go, do you?" she asked seriously. Truth is I'm not a huge fan of Justin Bieber, I mean I like some of his music and everything but I don't have "Bieber fever." 

           "Well...ya know." I said. She looked at me and sighed. Plop went another cookie in the milk.

           "Pu-leez." she begged like a puppy. "Pretty pretty please with a cherry and rainbow sprinkles on top." I sighed, no way I'm gonna get out of this one.

           "Fine." I stated plainly. Cece squeled and jumped up and down. She started to ramble on about what to wear and how we need to go shopping for purple tee-shirts and what not.

          "We are going to have SO much fun!" she squeled. I tried to look excited.

          "Yay!" I said, trying to sound enthusiastic. Epic fail.

          "C'mon! Here I'll train you in Bieber trivia we can call it....BIEBER BOOT CAMP!" she yelled. "We can watch his movie and read his book. I can give you a poster if you want! And then we could-" she got inturrupted by her phone which started to play Baby. She picked it up and i focused on the half-eaten cookie in the cup.

         "Have to go. Brothers in hospital again." she mouthed to me. Her younger brother Matt is always hurting himself somehow. He's broken more bones than anyone I know. She hung up the phone and grabbed her Gucci purse.

          "Bye! We'll talk about it tomorrow at school." she said as she walked out the door. I couldn't stomach the thought of Bieber Boot Camp. My Mom (Renee) walked into the kitchen, her heels clacking against the tile floor.

          "You better clean up that mess." she said, gesturing towards the cookies and milk. I sighed and started to dump the milk in the sink.

         "Are you going to the concert? Cece's Mom told me." Renee said. I nodded and threw away the half eaten cookie in the trash.

         "The Justin Bieber one? I'm surprised." she said, leaning on the granite countertop, her eyebrows raised/ I put the cookies in the cabinet and sat down on the island.

        "Me too." I replied. 

        "Where did Cece go?" she asked, tapping her nails on the countertop. I crossed my legs and pushed my hair out of my face.

        "She had to go the hospital because of her brother." I said. Mom sighed.

        "Again? Wow how many bones can you break?" Renee said. I got off the island and brushed off my jeans.

        "I'm going upstairs." I said. I ran up the stairs, my feet making a light tapping sound. I went around the corner to my small purple bedroom. I'm gonna have SO much fun at the concert. Note the sarcasm.

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